King's Business - 1919-06




Suggestive Bible Readings



VI. The Inspiration

SEVEN TITLES OF THE BELIEVER In 2 Tim. 2. 1. SON:— Vs. 1. Commands: “ be s t r o n g ................. ” -*' • • • • c o m m it.............” 2. SOLDIER :—Vs. 3. Commands: “endure . . . . “ please 3. WRESTLER :—Vs. 5. Commands:— “ strive ( w r e s t l e ) . . . . ,” “ s t r i v e ........... ” 4. HUSBANDMAN:-—Vs. 6. Commands:— “ consider,” “ remem ­ ber ............” 5. WORKMAN:—Vs. 15. Commands:— “ study . . . . ,” “ shun 6. VESSEL:—Vs. 21. Commands:— “ p u r g e .............” “ flee 7 . SERVANT:—Vs. 34. Commands:— “ . . . . not strive (fig h t),” “ be gentle,” “ teaching.” — J C. Stillion.

V. TO. “F o r God is not u n righ t­ eous to forget your work.” Vs. 11-12. “We desire . . . dili­ gence to full assurance of hope.” — R. S. Beal. m A BROKEN LAW When Adam, because of his unbelief, partook of th e fru it of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he showed th a t: 1st. He did not love the Lord his God w ith all his mind, soul and streng th , he loved him self and his own way better. 2d. He bowed down in sp irit and worshiped as man has ever since wor­ shiped in his n atu ra l state, and bowed down to the image of th e devil who bears a false likeness to Christ. Satan, as ever, is trying to get man to do what he him self attem pted to do, and th a t is to set him self and his will up above God, th a t man m ight fall th e same as he him self fell. 3d. He broke God’s Sabbath Day of rest, and God 'began work th a t day on the plan of salvation and has been working ever since, and man has worked and eaten bread by the sweat of his brow. 4th. He took the name of th e Lord his God in vain, when he used th a t name in his ta lk w ith th e devil, and then believed a liar instead of his God. 5th. He did not honor his F ath e r when he believed a liar instead, and he did not prolong his days upon the land, which th e Lord his Gpd gave him. 6th. They did th a t which they knew according to the Word of God, would VII. The A spiration


I. The Exhortation

Vs. 1-2. “ Let us go on.”

h . The Determ ination

V. 3. “This we will do.”

h i . The Obstruction

Vs. 4-6. “ Enlightened . . . tasted . . . p arta k ers . . . if they shall fall away” “ impossible . . . to renew to repentance” satisfied w ith th e shadows. Vs. 7-8. “ E a rth bringeth forth .herbs receiveth blessing God.” from V. 9. “We are persuaded b etter things of you.”

IV. The Illu stratio n

V. The Expectation

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