King's Business - 1919-06



8. The Choice of F aith , vv. 24-29. Moses judges values correctly “ by faith .” Egypt and tim e or Heaven and etern ity . Temporary pleasure, or e te r­ nal joy. The favor of Pharaoh, or the favor of Jehovah. The fear of P haraoh, or the fear of Jehovah. The possible, or th e impossible. Moses never tried to "m ake th e best of both worlds.” Nobody who has tried it ever made a success of it, as they discovered when too late. The death-bed view throw s things into th e ir tru e perspective. W hat has been your choice? 9. The Many-sided-ness of F aith , vv. 30-40. “Others, whose names and deeds are all entered in “ th e books” over Yonder and which will be pro­ duced in due time, met th e peculiar situations of th e ir own lives and times w ith th e same weapon— “ faith ,” and conquered in God’s name. P au l had to group them as “ o thers,” because “ if they should be w ritten every one, I suppose th a t even th e world itself could not contain th e books th a t should be w ritten .” n i . W h at O ur F a ith Should Lead Us to Do, 12:1, 2. 1. Separation. Lay aside no t only every sin; bu t everything th a t hinders, no m a tte r how good it may be. An over­ coat is a m ighty good thing, b u t I never saw a fellow trying to win the hundred yard dash in th e track m eet in his overcoat. On th e contrary, it was hard work sometimes to make him keep on enough to appear in public! 2. Consecration. The run n er must consecrate him self to th a t one thing, if he would win. Even th e baseball fiend when he is runn ing a race will not stop to discuss the “Angels” or th e “White- sox.” Consecration is ju st concentra­ tion spelt differently. 3. A spiration. The prize when th e 1 goal is won is “ the v icto r’s crown,” 1 Cor. 9:25 (read the context carefully), from th e Lord’s own pierced hand, and th e “Well done” from His loving lips. “T h at will be glory.”

God necessitates refusing to walk w ith th e world. If P eter w arm s him self a t the enem ies’ fire, he will soon be deny­ ing the Lord th a t bought him. 4. The W ork of F aith , v. 7 cp. Gen. 6-9. When, the skies were fair and “ all went m erry as a m arriage bell,” Noah, by faith, began to prepare for th e storm which God told him was coming. Our Lord H imself told us th a t “ as it was in th e days of Noah, so shall it be also in th e days of th e Son of Man,” Luke 17: 26. The man of faith today, following Noah’s example, will do th e work th a t God commands, “ th is is the work of God, th a t ye believe on Him whom He h ath se n t,” John 6:29. 5. The Obedience of F aith , v. 8-19. Abraham “went o u t”— sojourned— of­ fered up Isaac— by faith .” No wonder he is called “th e fath e r of th e faith fu l,” no wonder th a t God called him “my friend ,” Isa. 41:8. A braham ’s faith governed th e details of his daily life. No mention is made of his failure, nor of Noah’s, nor of Moses’, for “ th e ir sins and th e ir iniquities w ill I rem ember no more,” Heb. 10:17. 6. The Hope of F aith , v. 22, cp. Gen. 50:25, 26. Joseph died “ in sure and certain hope of the resu rrection .” I believe th a t was why he “ gave com­ m andm ent concerning his bones.” When th e call comes, as it will surely come, Joseph’s body will arise to meet his redeemed sp irit not , from heathen E gypt’s tombs b u t from “ the parcel of ground which Jacob bought of th e sons of H am or,” Jo shua 24:32, and gave Joseph for his inheritance, in th e “ Lord’s land.” 7. The Courage of F aith , v. 23. Two slaves dared to disobey th e king of Egypt, and refused to p u t to death the son whom God had given them . God’s “ thou sh alt no t k ill” was more im port­ a n t to them th an P h araoh ’s "tnou sh alt k ill.” Oh, th a t Christian p aren ts would dare to defy th e world today and refuse to obey its dem ands reg ard ing th eir children.

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