King's Business - 1919-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S T . C . H O R TO N , Editor KEITH L. BROOK S, Managing Editor R. A .T O R R E T , D. D. FR ED E R IC W . FA R R , D .D . J. H . H U N T E R W . H . PIKE Contributing Editors

ED I TOR I AL LEAGUE OF N A T IO N S and League of Church«*

The unrest of the world is clearly reflected in the unrest among pro­ fessedly Protestant churches. A reeent proposition is for the organization of a League of Churches, combining all Roman and Greek Catholic and Protestant churches, in Christian work, as brethren. Two bishops of the Episcopal church have been selected, and another is to be selected, to pre­ sent the matter to the Pope. We have no doubt but that many churches would be glad to be taken under the wings of this ecclesiastical system, but how about the Bible ? What place would the Word of God have in such a conglomerate gathering? The Roman Catholic church has never given Bibles to Mexico or Central America or South America or Italy. Where are the “ protestants?” Where are the Luthers? Where is the history of the Protestant Church? Where are the men and women of God ? Is not this effort a challenge to every real true follower of Jesus Christ to take a bold, aggressive stand against the tide, no matter from whence it emanates, or whom it may include ? Is there not a call for the preachers and the people to take a bold stand for the Word of God against all its enemies, be they Pope, or priest, or preacher, or teacher, or church, or schoolH-whoever it may be or whatever it may be. A League of Churches would be a league with the devil.—T. C. H. G O IN G Over tke Top John McNeill, the great Scottish evangelist, gave a great deal of time during the war to preaching to the soldiers, and during this campaign a general in the army said to him: “ What you need to preach to these men is that when they go over the top, and a German bullet lays them low, they go straight to Heaven.” To this the good evangelist replied: “ General, pardon me, but I have my orders as to what to preach from another Head­ quarters, and I am not going to try and obey two Generals. I love our men, but for the man who springs at the signal and goes over the top neither you nor I can make the gate any wider than Christ’s own terms. Besides, General, the sacrifice of a million soldiers for any cause does not come within a million miles of the unique and alone sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the sins of the world. Let the cross of Christ, that mighty sacrifice, stand where the New Testament puts it. Paul would have said, ‘If salvation can come by patriotism, then Christ has died in vain, and the cross was not needed.’ ”

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