King's Business - 1919-06



flee. We are no larg er in character and service th an our faith .— Pike. v. 5. By faith Enoch tran slated . F aith was th e ground of Enoch’s pleas­ ing God and his pleasing God was the ground of his tran slation .— Jam ieson. How blessedly Abel and Enoch show fo rth th a t by faith righteousness and life are bestowed upon those who believe.—-Anno. Bible. v. 6. W ithou t fa ith impossible to please Him. Alas th a t we should place faith in m an’s plans, m an ’s ability, m an 's teachings and S atan ’s sugges­ tions and not believe God.— Pike. N at­ u ral am iabilities and works pu t ahead of the grace of Christ are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Christ, they are not done as God has willed them to be done. We doubt not bu t th a t they have the n atu re of sin.r^-Book of Common P rayer. Works not rooted in Christ are splen­ did sins.’-^-Augustine. Is it any wonder th a t God cannot be pleased when men are devoid of th a t tru s t in His Word and in Jesus Christ whom He has sent, which reveals Him as Savior and Lord and impels to obedience and good works.-—Sum. Bible. Must believe th a t H e is. F aith is belief in and present tru s t in a prom ise.— Lewis. F a ith is tak ing God a t His word.— Moody. He is th e rew ard er of them th a t diligently seek him . F aith looks a t th e Word of G 9 d and th a t alone, sees w hat God prom ised and rests assured th a t it will all come to pass ju st as He said.— Torrey. By faith we ven tu re our eter­ nal in terests on th e bare word of God and th is is altogether reasonable.— Alford. v. 7. By fa ith Noah. His faith in­ fluenced his practice. He did not- dis­ pu te w ith God w hether he should make an ark , his faith silenced all objections and set' him to work in earnest, simply because he believed God.—-Pike. Be­ came h eir of righteousness. Noah is

called righteous in Genesis 6:9 and was th e first to receive th is title.— Philo. v. 8. By fa ith Abraham went, not know ing w h ither. Abraham took one step and did not “ask to see the d istan t scene.” F aith is not concerned w ith the en tire chain, its devoted atten tion is fixed on the immediate link.— Jow ett. v-. 10. Looked fo r a city. It is in a new heaven and a new earth he shall finally receive the inheritance promised him. So believers sojourn on earth as strang ers w hilst the ungodly and Satan lord it over the earth , bu t a t C h rist’s coming th a t same earth which was the scene of the believer’s conflict shall be the inheritance of Christ and His saints. — F ausset. The Story of a Man who believed in Jesus. John 9:1-38. Memory Verse: “And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped H im .” John 9:38. Approach: (Clasp your hands over a piece of money or any sm all object th a t can be concealed.) I have here in my hands a dollar. How many of you boys and girls really BEGINNERS believe I have a dol- AND PRIMARY lar in my hands? Mabel L. M errill Clara w hat makes you believe I have a dollar here? You could not see in my hands. You say because I said so, and you believe my word is tru e. That means you have faith in me and believe I am speaking the tru th . (Open hands showing money.) Now even though you could not see the money in my, hands, yet you believed it was there, you took my word for it. This is ju st w hat Jesus means when He tells us in the Bible, to believe on Him and tru st Him, for we know every word He says is true. Our story for today is about a man who believed in Jesus. P rayer. Lesson Story: One day when Jesus was living down here in th e world in

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