King's Business - 1919-06

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S a body th a t people could see, He was in th e temple, which was w hat they called th e church in those days. He had been reading to them and teaching from the Bible, and some of th e people would no t believe His words and even tried to h u rt Him, so He went ou t of the temple, and as He was w alking along afte r leaving the temple, He saw a man who had been blind all his life, even when he was a tiny baby; so th e day tim e was ju st the same as n igh t to him, it was always dark. How th an k fu l we should be for our eyes th a t give us so much joy and happiness looking a t the many beautiful things all around us, and ju st th ink how sad it would be if we could not see our mothers and fath ers, could not even know how they looked. The man our story tells us about was in ju st such a sad condition. Jesu s felt very sorry for th is poor blind man, who had to beg for a living, because he could not see to work, and when Jesus came up to him, He stooped down and took pome clay from the ground, pu t it on th e blind m an’s eyes, and told him to wash in a pool of w ater

539 th a t was nearby. The man did ju st as Jesu s told him to do, and as he was washing th e clay from his eyes, it began to grow ligh t and first he saw the w ater in th e pool, then he looked up and saw the sun ligh t and beautiful flowers and trees for, the first tim e in his life, we cannot th ink how wonderful it all looked to him. He did not have to creep along any more feeling his way, he could see. The neighbors and friends and those who had known him before as the blind beggar were greatly su r­ prised, and some of them said it surely could not he th e same man, hu t the man him self told them he was the same one who was blind. You see he knew w h at a wonderful th ing Jesus had done for him , and he told the people how a man called Jesus had made clay, pu t it on his eyes, and asked him to wash, and as soon as he washed he could see. The people asked th e man where Jesus was, and he said he did not know, for you remember when Jesus p u t the clay on his eyes, he was blind and could not see, so of course did not know Jesus. This was a g reat day and many people

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