King's Business - 1919-06



which he fe lt su re he could m ake an enormous profit fo r th è firm, bu t in o rder to do so he would be compelled to disobey th e Instructions which >had been given him . He disobeyed and car­ ried th rough a very successful deal by which his employers ' won a very large profit. If he had obeyed- his o rders he would have lost money for th e company. Contrary to his expectations, instead of being commended for his shrewdness he was prom ptly discharged. The next tim e he disobeyed he m ight have lost heavily. Obedience F irs t—F e a r Last. As one sails up th e Balboa bay the steam er goes into w hat looks like a n a r­ row channel and comes up ag ain st th e precipitiOus hills rising ab rup tly from th e w ater. There is no reversing of th e engine. The captain does no t seem to be concerned; straig h t ahead you go; b u t ju s t as you th in k you will strik e th e shore of th e high h ill before you, th e bo at tu rn s and you pass into a beau­ tifu l lagoon th a t would float th e U. S. Navy. The obstruction was no t real. Nò cause for fear. The captain and pilot were obeying the laws of naviga­ tion and tru ste d th e result. Obedience W on H er Husband. The wife of a noted infidel was afraid to come ou t and openly confess Christ and be baptised because pf th e th re a t­ ened w rath of h er husband. One day, while reading th e Bible, she decided before God to serve Him regardless of h e r husband. She confessed Christ a t th e first opportunity and requested bap­ tism . H er husband made all kinds of th rea ts, b u t she steadfastly obeyed God. The irate husband came to th e bap­ tism al service intending to v en t his w rath on th e preacher and ta k e his wife home. B u t conviction fo r sin came upon him and he fled home only to repen t and pray. God honored her obedience. T ru e F a ith Leads to Obedience. A common laborer who was noted for

his lack of intelligence was told to pull a t a rope attach ed to th e top of a wall. He obeyed. A passerhy asked, “Do you th in k you are going to pull th a t thick Wall down?” The man continued to tug and answered, “Well I guess th e boss knows w hat he is abou t.” He did know and a fte r an hou r of pulling th e wall began to v ib rate and fell. The boss had underm ined one side of it before he gave th e orders to pull, bu t th e common laborer did not know it. He h ad confidence enough in his boss to obey him. W hat a world th is world would be if ail men hau confidence enough in God to ob^y Him. God Demands Obedience. An officer, to whom th e Duke of W ellington had given an order, tried to show th a t w hat he was bidden to do was impossible. “S ir,” said th e duke, “ I did not ask your opinion; I gave you my o rd ers.” So C h rist’s words should be our law, and no t our fancies. v. 15. Bew are of false prophets. Men and women who claim to be inspired of God and th a t th e ir systems are of divine origin, are arising on every hand today COMMENT FROM bu t tested by th e MANY SOURCES tests our Lord Jesus K eith L. B rooks gives us here, th e ir claims are proven false.— Torrey. Who can imagine two words more positively contradictory th a n “ false p rophets?” It is in th is line th a t lying does th e w orst mischief. — People’s Bible. In sheep’s clothing. They and th e ir erro rs, are gilded w ith th e specious pretenses of san ctity and devotion. They outw ardly app ear inno­ cent, harm less, meek and useful.— Henry. Men coming as expounders of th e m ind of God, persuading men th a t th e gate is no t stra ig h t nor th e way “ Ours no t to make reply. Ours not to reason why Ours b u t to do or die.”

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