King's Business - 1919-06



“F a th e r,” and again th ink w hat it cost God to become our F ath e r. W hat a price He paid! He gave H is Son— th e only-begotten, well-beloved! He made His Son carry all th e sin of th e world, and poured out His w rath upon Him. W hat a wonderful love it was! W hat a sacrifice He made in order th a t He m ight have children,— for “we are all th e children of God by faith in Jesu s Christ.” Now, as F ath e r, He loves to have us come and ta lk to H im ; tell Him every­ th ing th ere is on our h earts; tell Him w hat we w ant; ask Him to do things; ask Him to give us th ing s; ask Him to help us be good children; ask Him to help other people; ask Him for wisdom. You know how a sim ple-hearted child ta lk s to the fath er, and how th e fath e r enjoys the confidence th e children has in him, and th e pleasure he tak es in gratifying his child. Study th is re la ­ tion, and you will be able to en ter in­ to the real meaning of prayer. The most eloquent appeal th a t ever reaches th e ear of God is when one comes, to Him and says “F ath e r, in th e name of Jesus, please g ran t my requ est.” To such an appeal, th e F a th e r joyfully responds. He is glorified in it. We have had a lo t of phrases con­ cerning prayer. We are told th a t it changes things, gets things done. Yes, and you can name a thousand things th a t prayer does, even to moving moun­ tains, h u t we need how to learn to he children, and when we, learn th at, prayer needs no title or exposition. It is ju st n atu rally “ talk ing to F a th e r.” PRACTICAL POINTS (1 ) Prayerlessness is a perversion of th e new life. (2 ) P ray er is a privilege granted only to the children of God. (3) P ray er is a power invested in be­ lievers. (4) The door to the F a th e r’s h ea rt is always open. Pass in by prayer. (5 ) The purpose of prayer is to keep

upon which is bu ilt v irtu e, knowledge, self-control, patience, godliness, b ro th ­ erly kindness, charity (or, love). Here is a pyram id upon the sim plest of things— simply tru st. P ray er is a simple thing. It is “ to call fo r,” “ to w ish,” “ to ask ,” and other simple things. A little girl has given us th e best definition. It is simply “ talk ing to God” w hat is on our h earts; breath ing ou t our desires. P ray er is th e easiest th ing in the world when conditions are righ t, and prayer is the g reatest power ever given to men. It is th e most powerful weapon ever placed a t m an’s disposal. P rayer is simple because th e way of access to God is simple. The way is th rough H is Son. P rayer is a fam ily m atter. P ray er to God is to God as a F ath e r. Jesus says “No man cometh unto the F a th e r bu t by me.” “ I am th e way,”—Hie way to God. “ I am the tru th ,”— th e tru th of God. “ I am the life,”-—th e life of God. You cannot come to God in prayer unless you come by the way or in the name of Jesus Christ. God is not known as “F a th e r” outside of the family. Out­ side of th e fam ily he is “God,” and a consum ing fire. ■ You can see how th is simplifies things. One way. No m istaking it. I t is by the Christ of th e cross. To call God “ F a th e r” and deny th e blood of His Son, would be to blaspheme. It would be to invoke and to m erit His punishm ent. But when you have taken Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, you have a perfect rig h t to come to “ our F a th e r,” because you are in the fam ily; you are in Christ Jesus; your life is hid w ith Christ in God. Of course, if you are one of th e children in th e family, and you have been doing w rong you must come to F a th e r and tell Him so. “ If we confess our sins He is faith fu l and ju st to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Stop and th ink how easy it is to say

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