King's Business - 1919-06



grace. (1 Tim. 1:12-14.) Let it neveY be forgotten that, those who will be justified and stand accepted before God are they who are nothing in th e ir own estim ate.— Meyer. There was no con­ fession of sin anywhere in th e prayer. There was no real thanksgiving. His pretended thanksgiving was really laud ­ ation of self.— Torrey. This publican. He was peeking around for a dark background to set off his own shining virtues.— McNeill. v. 12. I fast, I give. Such a self- satisfied gentlem an had no need to ask for anything. He offered no petitions. — Maclaren. The fact th a t he does not say a word about his sins, shows how low was his standard . He was clothed w ith phylacteries and fringes, not hum ility.1-—Cam. Bible. Some make prayer a pretex t to parade th e ir own virtues.— Sel. v. 13. P ublican standing a fa r off. As unw orthy to draw n ear, b u t th a t is th e tru e way to get near. (Ps. 34:18; Is. 5 7 :1 5 .)— J. F. & B. God be m erci­ ful. Word used in connection w ith the mercy seat. An in structed Jew would be th ink ing of th e blood-sprinkled mercy seat. H is prayer m ight be p ara­ phrased, “Be tow ard me as Thou a rt when Thou lookest upon th e atoning blood.”— The Bible knows nothing of Divine forgiveness ap a rt from sacrifice. — Scofield. v. 14. This m an justified. To be self-emptied and poor in sp irit is the fundam ental and indispensable p repar­ ation for receiving th e grace of God.4—. Meyer. The incident shows w h at one may lack and yet be saved and w hat one may have and yet be lost.—K. B.

and can th in k quickly. Suppose I want to ta lk w ith some one who lives in ano th er p a rt of th e BEGINNERS , city, and am in a AND PRIMARY h u rry and can not Mabel L. M errill take th e tim e to go and see them , how would I get my message to them ? Tele­ phone. How are th e words I speak in the phone carried to th e friend who is listening a t th e other end of th e line? The message is carried over wires. Now you answered th a t so well, let us see if you can do as well w ith the next ques­ tion? Now suppose I w ant to send a message to some friend who is travel­ ling on the ocean in a big steam er, is th ere any way by which I can do so, for you know th ere are no telephone wires, so I canno t telephone. O, I can send a wireless message, a message carried th rough the a ir w ithou t any wires. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to send messages through th e a ir w ithout any w ires? Yes, indeed it is, and this morning we are going to h ear about a person who sent a message th a t was far more wonderful th an a wireless, and it tells us how we too can send mes­ sages in the same way. P rayer. Lesson Story: When Jesus and His disciples were living here on ea rth they were very busy helping people and preaching to them , and so one day Jesus took H is disciples out into a quiet place in the country, where they m ight rest awhile; for th ere were so many people coming and going they had no tim e even to eat. They got into a boat and sailed across th e Sea of Galilee, and when the boat landed, they walked up a little way from th e shore, where they could be alone. Very soon th e people heard where Jesus had gone, and they followed w alk ing around th e sea or lake of Galilee, which was quite a long dis­ tance. Many of them had carried th e ir sick ones all th is distance to bring them to Jesus. Jesu s felt very sorry for the sick people, and knew how the well ones loved them to carry them so

Talking w ith o u r Heavenly F ath e r. Matt. 14:14-21. Memory Verse: “Lord, teach us to p ray .” Luke 11:1. A pproach:— Now let me see if you are all real wide awake th is morning

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