King's Business - 1919-06



in Mark 2:4 (uncovered ro o f). Love does not uncover bu t roofs over.— T ract. Hopeth all things. Love can hope w here reason would despair.— Lyttleton. v. 8. Love never faileth . There is a business in which th e C hristian may set up and he assured he will never be left in th e hole. Love never faileth. Those who lay in a stock of it or le t th e Holy Ghost shed it abroad in th e ir h earts shall never lack any good thing.— K. B. v. 9. We know in p art. Here is the tru e Christian agnosticism , th e recog­ nition of present lim itation combined w ith th e confidence in th e coming of th e full tru th .— Cam. Bible. v. 13. TJhese th ree, th e g rea test is love. G reatest because the innerm ost expression of the tru e relation to God. P au l seems to be on th e b rink of Jo h n ’s g reat declaration “ God is love,” (1 Jno. 4 :8 ),— P arry . The th ree prim itive colors are unified in the white beam of light. The two la tte r come ou t of the form er and w ithout it they are naught, and it w ithout them is dead. F aith breeds hope and faith is the p aren t of love,— Maclaren. Love is the, fulfilling of th e law. -All other graces, all divine dispensations contribute to th is and are lost in it as in heaven.— Hooker. Divine love is a sacred flower which in its early bud is happiness and in its full bloom is heaven.—Hervey. F aith tru sts and appropriates, Hope expects,, Love expresses and blesses. F a ith looks to Calvary, Love to th e throne, Hope to th e clouds. Hope is a fountain, F a ith drinks, Love d istribu tes it to others.— Sèi. A dying man said, “Good-bye, faith, I am going to sight, good-bye, hope, I am going to th e living hope, but th e re is no good-hye to love for love goes in w ith me th rough the gates.”^— Inglis. afe '(k> How to Show Our Love. Matt. 22: 34-40. Memory Verse: “Thou sh alt love

behind which lies no love.— Drummond. Sounding brass. Noise w ithout mean­ ing. Love gives content to all sp iritu al utterance.— Ruth. v. 2. Prophecy, know ledge, faith . W ithout love, prophecy, knowledge and faith are not w hat they seem and so fail of th e heavenly rew ard.— Jam ieson. v. 3. Though I hestow my goods. There may be an open and lavish hand where th e re is no liberal, loving h eart. — Henry. Give my body to be burned. Missionaries can tak e nothing g reater to th e heathen world th a n the impress and reflection of th e love of God upon th e ir own characters. T h at is th e uni­ versal language. F rom th e day they land th a t language of love understood by all, will be pouring fo rth its uncon­ scious eloquence.—Drummond. v. 4. Love suifereth long. Love has no union hours and no “ la st acts“ of kindness.— King. V aun teth n o t itself. If we love, we will he so occupied w ith the excellencies of others th a t th e re will be no though t of being inflated over our own.— Torrey. “Does not raise tum u lts.” Love calms, does not raise angry pas­ sions.— P ettingill. v. 5. Does n o t behave unseemly. Does nothing indecorous— out of place or tim e, b u t behaves tow ard all men w ith courtesy and good will;'—Henry. Not easily provoked. “ Is not exasper­ ated .” Where th e fire of love is k ep t in, th e flames of w rath will no t easily kindle nor long keep burning.—Henry. T h ink eth no evil. When love is thin, we can see. fau lts th ick in others. Echoes. We a re never to condone erro r nor ignore th e wrong. This would be doing violence to a God-given sense of righ t. Love sees th e wrong b u t sees it in th e most charitab le light. I t puts th e best construction on th e acts of others and is ever ready to make allow­ ances for th e shortcom ings and failures. Living W ater. T rue love like the eye, can bear no flaw.— Lavater. v. 7. B eareth all things. L iterally “ covereth all th ing s.” Same word used

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