King's Business - 1919-06

THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S th e Lord th y God w ith all thy h e a rt.” Matt. 22:37. Approach: Now stop and th in k for a moment and see how many of you can answer th is question I am going to ask. How many of you know some one th a t loves you BEGINNERS very much, some AND PRIMARY one th a t you know Mabel L. M errill real well? Mother. W hat makes you th in k mother loves you? Because she is always doing so many nice things for you and is always so good to you. She does more th a n ju st say th a t she loves you. T hat is th e proof of real love, for th ere are lots of people who say they love when they do not, and today we are going to learn how to show our love. P rayer. Besson S tory: One day Jesus was in th e temple or church, and He had been talk ing to th e people for a long time, telling them a num ber of wonderful stories. Children, ju st th ink of sit­ tin g in church w ith Jesu s up in th e pul­ p it as the preacher. Do you th in k we would sit very qu iet and listen to every word He said, as He told the beautiful stories? Yes, I am sure we would, bu t do you know if we tru ly love Jesus,

561 we will do th e things He w ants us to do, for th a t is th e way we show our love, and when we do this, Jesus says He is getting a home ready for us up in heaven, and then we will live rig h t w ith Jesus up in th a t beau tifu l home for ever and how we w ill enjoy hearing Jesus tell us these stories when we can look rig h t into His face; then too th in k of playing in those beau tifu l golden streets, and th e re is no night there, so you will never be afraid of the d ark any more, for if th ere is no n igh t th ere can not be any dark. Jesus has a big book up in heaven, and He has w ritten down in th a t wonderful book the name of every boy and girl, and every man and woman th a t loves Him. Now how do we show our love to Jesus? By doing th e things th a t He w ants us to do, th a t is th e th ing s th a t please Him, and you see if we do that we will not do th e w rong things. You know how happy you' m ake mother when you do ju s t w hat she w ants you to do, and when boys and girls do this, m other knows they really love her. Some times I have heard boys and girls tell m other they loved her, and then did not w ant to do something she asked them to do, and th en I have watched

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