King's Business - 1919-06



a ttitu d e and a disposition. In the Ser­ mon on th e Mount Jesu s raises law to th e n th degree. The law says “Thou sh alt do no m u rder,” tak in g cognizance only of th e overt act. Jesus shows th a t anger and h atred are th e root, th e out­ w ard act being th e fru it. “Whoso hat- eth his b ro th er is a m u rd erer.” If th e re is h atred in th e h eart, it m atters little w hether or no an opportunity is found to tran slate it into action. Human law deals w ith the outw ard expression. Divine law deals w ith th e m ental state. If a man loves his neighbor, he will a t all tim es seek to promote his neigh­ bor’s well-being. Under no circum ­ stances will he do anything in ju riou s to his neighbor’s life, family, property or reputation. The love th a t fulfills is th e love th a t fills full. Man has no more power to generate and exercise th is love th an he has to perform its out­ w ard requirem ents. It is the love of Christ th a t constraineth us. The ocean shore a t ebb tide exposes black rocks covered w ith barnacles and sea-weed. There are crevices and pools filled w ith myriads of tiny creatu res left by the receding waves and vainly seeking the freedom of th e sea. When th e flood tide comes in, everything is buried out of sigh t and swallowed up by the all- embracing waves. P au l prays th a t the love of th e Philippian converts may ever be a t th e flood tide w ithout recession or dim inution. Phil. 1:9. This is pos­ sible only when “ th e fulness of His love comes in .” John speaks of -loving in tru th and P au l of tru th in g in love. Eph. 4:15. These two hem ispheres tog eth er make a spherical experience. Actions speak loud er th a n words. “Your life speaks so loud I can no t h ear w hat you say.” Conduct is th e outcome of character and character depends to a g reat extent upon creed. We h ear much about char­ acter building th rough choice and habit. Christian character is no t the product of hum an effort b u t is th e fru it of the Holy Spirit. The graces and excellencies of Christ are reproduced in a renewed life by th e Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, good­ ness, faith , meekness and temperance are all exotics to th e n a tu ra l h eart. They do no t spring from its soil, nor th riv e in its atmosphere and climate. They all come from th e renewed n atu re and th e h e a rt of Christ. One who FRIDAY, Ju n e 20. 1 Jo h n 3:11-18. Love In Deed an d In T ru th

merely k ep t th e commandments would live a negative life and be “ an unprofit­ able servan t.” The graces and perfec­ tions of Christ compose a ch aracter which is beyond anything th a t mere obedience to law can produce. Chris­ tia n ch aracter is not an edifice mechan­ ically, p u t tog ether by th e im itation of an external model. It is a vital abounding fru it, th e efflorescence of a Divine principle implanted and received by faith. In o ther words it is God H im­ self who w orketh in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. Phil. 2:13, SATURDAY, Ju n e 21. Jo h n 13:31-35. The New Commandment. The so-called eleventh commandment may no t supercede th e te n b u t if it were perfectly obeyed it would make them superfluous. The m easure of obedience is also given in th e context “As I have loved you, th a t ye also love one ano th er.” This seems to remove the command infinitely beyond the power of realization. A certain Chris- tion teacher was wont to exhort his stu ­ dents on th is wise, “ Gentlemen, always preach an impossible m orality.” T hat school of theology which would accom­ modate a Divine command to hum an ability paralyzes effort instead of stim ­ ulating it, besides removing all incen­ tive. The higher and more un attain ­ able th e ideal, th e more cogent and compelling its appeal. Our love is not only co-ordinated to th a t of Christ bu t our service also. “As Thou h ast sent me into th e world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” John 17:18. This no t only defines and exalts our work b u t lim its it as w ell. The“things th a t Christ did- no t concern Himdelf w ith, should not our tim e and thought. ,Ohehtence' ’to th e new commandment is th e distin­ guishing badge of th e new society. “By th is shall all men . know th a t ye are My disciples if ye h a v e . love one to an o th er.” I t is also its chief commend­ ation to a world where hate and strife abound. “Behold how these Christians love one ano th er.” SUNDAY, Ju n e 22. 1 Jo h n 2:1-11. Love an d L ight. There are th ree g rea t words in the first chapter of Jo h n ’s Gospel which like th e m o tif of a symphony are woven into th e w arp and woof of th e context. These words are life, ligh t and loye. They are in ter-related and m utually

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