King's Business - 1919-06




. witk Unsaved People



world and men love darkness ra th ­ er th a n light, because th e ir deeds are evil. F o r every one th a t doeth evil h ateth th e light, n eith er cometh to th e light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” Jo h n 3:19- 20 . Why Do Some Men Condemn th e B ible? A nsw er: “The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper th a n any two-edged sword * * * and is a discerner of th e though ts and in ten ts of th e h e a rt.” Heb. 4:12. (Because it condemns them .) Why A re T here B eal C hristians in Spite of A ll This Condemnation? Answer: “ If any man will do his will, he shall know of th e doctrine, w hether it be of God.” Jo h n 7:17. “Hereby know we th a t we dwell in him , and he in us, because he h ath given us of his Spirit.” 1 Jo h n 4:13. “The Spirit H im self beareth w itness w ith our spirit, th a t we are th e children of God.” . Rom. 8:16, “He th a t believeth on th e Son of God h ath th e ^witness in him self.” 1 John 5:10. (V ital experience, as th e resu lt of honestly pu tting God's Word to th e te st.) Answer: “We have tu rn ed every one to his own way.” Isa. 63:6. “Let th e wicked forsake his own way and th e unrighteous man his own though ts; and le t him re tu rn unto th e Lord.” Isa. 55:7. “There is a way which seemeth rig h t unto a man, b u t th e ends th ereo f are th e ways of d eath .” Prov. 14:12. “Because they believe no t on Christ.” John 16:8-10. “He th a t believeth no t the Son shall no t see life; b u t th e w rath of God abideth on him .” John 3:36. Why A re Men Lost?


W hy W as th e B ible W ritten ? Answer: “W ritten th a t ye m ight believe th a t Jesus is th e Christ, th e Son of God; and th a t believing ye m ight have life th rough his nam e.” John 20:31. W hy Cannot Some Men U nderstand I t? Answer: “The n a tu ra l man receiv- eth no t th e th ing s of th e Sp irit of God: for they are foolishness unto him : n eith er can he know them , because they are sp iritu ally dis­ cerned” 1 Cor. 2:14. “The preaching of th e cross is to them th a t perish foolishness; b u t unto those which are saved, it is th e power of God.” 1 Cor. 1:18. W hy Do Not Some Men T h ink as th e B ible Teaches? Answer: “My though ts are not your thoughts, n eith er are your ways my ways, saith th e Lord. F o r as th e heavens are higher th a n th e earth , so are my ways higher th an your ways, and my though ts th an your though ts.” Isa. 55:8-9. Why Do Some Men D islike th e B ible? Answer: “This is th e condemna­ tion, th a t ligh t has come into the (Continued from Page 572) m ight indeed be all th ree, since each is fundam ental and essential. I t is significant th a t th is should be th e first mention of th e church in th e New Testa­ ment. We look for th e church in vain in th e Old Testam ent. In th e four gos­ pels we are still on Jew ish ground. Rom. 15:8. The church comes into view af­ te r Israel had rejected her Messiah. The stone which th e builders rejected, becomes th e head of th e corner and th e foundation of th a t sp iritu al temple formed to be a hab itation of God th rough th e Spirit. Matt. 21 :42 ; Eph. 2 : 21 , 22 .

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