King's Business - 1919-06

A SUGGESTION TO OUR ADVERTISERS “ A constant drop of water wears aw a y the hardest stone; T h e constant gnaw of R o ve r masticates the toughest bone; Th e constant wooing lover carries off the blushing m aid; A n d the constant A D V E R T I S E R is the man that gets the trade.”

BIRTHDAY AND EASTER CARDS—HAND- colored Birthday Cards—7^ attractive designs 50c; Easter cards—15 beautiful flower designs, $1.00; Birth Announcements—cute baby designs, 70c. per dozen. Envelopes3to match all cards. Money refunded >if dissatisfied. P. Armitage, 140 Park Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey. A GENUINE LEATHER COVER, LOOSE LEAF Memo Book, 50 sheets paper. Your name stamped in gold on cover. Postpaid, 50 cents. Loose Leaf Book Co., Box 6, Station L, New York City, Department No. 10. A SIDE SPLITTER! IF . YOU ENJOY A hearty laugh and love clean, wholesome humor, send for one of the funniest books ever written, “The Diary ©f a Doctor’s Son.” An hour of hysterics. Twenty-five cents postpaid. No stamps accepted. Pacific Book Co., Dept. 13, 7036 Holmes Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. BATTLE HYMNS Something new. 150 great hymns. Religious and patriotic. Sample 5c. Manila cover. $8.00 per 100: limp cloth, $10.00, post extra. THE EVANGELICAL PUB .CO., 700 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. OF THE CHURCH (War Measure Book)

Helps for “ Evangelistic” Meetings “Truth in a Nut Shell.” (1J4 niillion;) For enquirer and convert. 16 pp. 2c ea., 15c per doz., $1.00 per 100. “The Word for the Work.” (250,000.) To tip in Bible: 30 subjects. 2c ea., 25c per doz., $1.00 per 100. “Truth for Sower and Seeker.” Personal work made easy. 128 pp. 15c paper, 25c .cloth, 35c leather. “First Steps With Christ.” By Henry Ostrom, for converts. Foreword by. Dr. Chapman. 10c paper, 25c cloth. “Winning Souls.” The Third Person. 15c ea., paper; 25c cloth. A study of the Holy Spirit. “The Gospel of John.” (Marked in red.) To stimulate reading the Bible. 5c ea., 50c per doz. A sample of each of these sent for 25c. EVANGELICAL PUB. CO., LAKESIDE BLDG., CHICAGO MEN, WOMEN, 18 OR OVER. GET U. S. Gov­ ernment Permanent Peace Positions. $1000- $1600 year. No layoffs^ Short hours. Paid vaca­ tions. Common education sufficient. Write im­ mediately, for free list positions now easily obtainable. Do not wait. Franklin Institute, Dept. D144, Rochester, N. Y. A. NEEDLECRAFT, 12 months for. 50 cents stamps. B. EVERY CHILD’S MAGAZINE, $1.50; trial copy for three 3-cent stamps. Ad­ dress: James Senior, Lamar, Missouri. GENUINE CURIOS From THE NAVAJO AND HOPI TRIBES NAVAJO RUGS HORI BASKETS SILVERWARE POTTERY MRS. M. WALTER Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. ' S Formerly a Missionary to the Navajos Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Write for Price List WHOLESALE PRICES

BIBLE STUDENTS Why not have a distinc­ tive class pin? Tell us what you want and let us send you a FREE COLORED SKETCH. Men­ tion number of pins, quality and name of school. BASTIAN BROS. CO. 860 Bastian Bldg., Rochester, N. Y.

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