King's Business - 1919-06

PH IL IP MAURO’S “KINGDOM BOOKS” H ave aro u sed w id e-spread interest in the su b ject o f T h e Kingdom of God. E v e ry C h ristian should be w ell inform ed on this great topic and fo r that p u rp o se should read and re-read GOD ’S PR E SEN T KINGDOM w h ich deals w ith all the im portan t details o'f the subject. B y special arran gem en t w ith the publishers, and notw ithstanding the p resen t excessive cost o f printin g, the volum e is issued at $ 1 .2 5 . O ther books on the K in g d om : “A fter T h is,” or T h e C h u rch , T h e K ingdom and the G lo ry, (Secon d Ed ition )

$ 1.00 .25 .15 .05 ,05 .05

The Kingdom of Heaven, What Is It? and When? and Where? “More Than a Prophet” (T h e M in istry of Jo h n the B aptist) The Ministry of Jesus Christ (R om . 1 5 :8 ) Paul and “the Mystery” Salt and Light A L S O Baptism: T h e Sign o f the N ew C o ven an t (stiff covers) Sp ecial atten tion is called to The Number of Man:


A com prehensive su rv ey o f the great w orld-m ovem ents— religious, political and social— .—of these stirrin g tim es. A d d itio n al p ages on the WORLD WAR, how it is fulfilling prophecy, b rin g this tim ely volum e down to date $ 1 .0 0

T h e fo llow in g a re a few o f M r. M au ro’s other b o ok s: God’s Pilgrims cloth 1.00 World and Its God

cloth .50 paper .25

paper .50

Life in the Word

cloth .50 Characteristics of the Age paper .25 Christian’s Choice (Self-life or

.10 .10

The Sign of the Prophet Jonah .10


Sen d fo r o u r com plete list.

Hamilton Brothers’ Scripture Truth Depot 70 K I L B Y S T R E E T , B O ST O N , M A S S .

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