King's Business - 1919-06

The 'Nev> “ S U M M A R I Z E D B I B L E ” T w o Vo lum es— O ld and N ew Testaments

T h is w o rk b y K eith L . B rooks, ju st off the press, w ill b e w elcom ed b y B ible students everyw h ere. G ives a sum m ary o f each book ot the Bible an d a sum m ary o f each ch apter, gives in b rief the contents of each chapter, the ch aracters, the k e y w ord, the sp iritu al esson of the w h ole ch apter an d strik in g points abou t Je su s C h rist, list ot m em ory verses. V alu ab le fo r class w o rk o r an aid to daily devo- tions. T h e P rice o f the T w o V o lum es is $ 1 .2 5 . F o r F iv e fu ll y e a r Subscriptions, th ey w ill be sent postpaid to y o u r address. Both O ld and N ew Testaments bound in one Vo lum e, cloth, with gold lettering, for S I X N EW SU B S C R IP T IO N S W rite names and addresses clearly. T H E K IN G S B U S IN E S S Stud}) Personal Work xOitK Mr. Horton, Superintendent of tke Bible Institute Th e B ib le Institute offers a special correspondence course in personal work and practical Christian work. Th e entire cost of the course, including all instruction material, is but $ 3 . Th e business of every believer is to be qualified for service. Th is course will put you in touch with the best Scriptures calcu­ lated to equip for the work of dealing with souls; will direct you in the best methods o f doing personal work and w ill give sug­ gestions concerning the preparation for, and the conduct of religious meetings. W rite for bulletin of the course. B IBLE IN ST ITU TE OF LO S A N G E L E S S ec re ta ry of the C o rresp o n d en ce Sch o ol


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