A t some point in all our lives, we have to deal with loss. Whether it’s the loss of a career, a partnership or even a loved one, the pain arrives at all of our doorsteps, often unannounced. For Ms. Yursheema Reddick her tragedy was doubly compounded after the loss of her beloved Grandmother quickly followed in July of 2021 by her Father’s passing. While her Father’s fate was not entirely unexpected due to a prolonged illness, Ms. Reddick nevertheless found her normally strong, stoic, and rock solid foundation shaken to its core. She was devastated from losing more than just the most important man in her life: she had also lost the woman who was her integral guiding force. She felt mentally, spiritually, and— most surprisingly to her— physically unprepared for grief’s dark power and crushing weight. Yet, despite feeling overwhelmed by unrelenting grief that infected her every moment, she somehow found her way to Family Insight. Even more importantly, she realized that she needed help to somehow cope with the dark shadow that had cast itself over her. She connected immediately with Dr. Alderman and began Grief Counseling. That counseling quickly transformed into the lifeline she needed as she fought against
sinking deeper into despair. As she recently shared:
“You know it’s a process, and I’m still trying to get back. But now I’m able to recognize certain things I couldn’t before, and I’m not holding certain other things in anymore. In a way, I almost can’t explain how much of an impact Dr. Alderman has had and how much she’s helped me. And now I try my best to share these new gifts.” Ms. Reddick is a lifelong
achiever in her chosen field of insurance as well as a licensed professional cosmetologist. The pain of loss had momentarily stopped her in her tracks. With the help of Dr. Alderman and Family Insight, her train is moving again, and she’s now discovering new strengths she did not know she possessed. Of course grief is never truly “cured,” but Yursheema has learned and continues to
learn new coping skills. These skills inform all of her todays and will help her to face each of her tomorrows as she “gets back to speed.” With continued work at FI, she’s regaining her purpose, her drive, and her motivation to continue on her successful path. That’s perhaps what all of us can hope for as we face our own challenges. Because as she puts it when referring to the power of grief: “Even when your mind may forget, your body will not.”
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