Family Insight Magazine.pdf


forward. While she enjoys spending time with her clients and getting to know them, she is practical and proactive: crucial qualities in a Life Coach. Lakisha’s mom was a teenage mother, so the responsibility for raising the little girl fell to her grandparents. They often told her how much she talked and smiled. Lakisha was always helping someone as a child, and people described her as a kind child. As a teenager, she struggled with her identity. Since Lakisha’s mother was so young when she was born, they were almost raised like sisters. She also never knew her biological father, so there was a part of her she felt she didn’t know. However, an excellent school counselor

was there for her, and they were part of the reason she also became a school counselor. They instilled healthy coping skills in Lakisha, and she was an excellent scholar. She ranked third in her class when she graduated. Her grandparents insisted she get a quality education. They said, “You need to know things

in order to create your path and be successful.” Lakisha’s life is happy, but busy now, with a son and a daughter who are both excellent students. Lakisha hopes to

facilitate growth with her clients to make the changes they desire. She wants to give them that push through life and the obstacles they need coaching to climb. She wants to help her clients successfully get to the other side to achieve the lifelong goals they set for themselves.

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