Moving Forward Through Our National Health Crisis > > > > > > > > > > T he most recent years of our collective health and
wellbeing have been challenging to say the least. And although we don’t want to be too hasty, it seems fairly safe to say that we’re nearing the end of our long, dark pandemic tunnel and perhaps entering into the next stage of health management for all. Dr. Jeremy Willis, founder and CEO of Priority Toxicology Laboratories, is one of our most dedicated medical professionals who has devoted his life and career to leading the fight in eliminating the uncertainty of our present and ensuring the sustained health of our future. Fascinated by the precision of science in general— and chemistry in particular—from an early age, young Dr. Willis applied himself to his earliest studies, going on to receive his PhD in organic chemistry from Tougaloo College before continuing his post-doctoral work at both the University of Florida and Emory
University. This commitment to the rigors of scientific academia seamlessly dovetailed into generously sharing his gifts through education and mentoring, moving forward into teaching in his chosen field of organic chemistry at renowned Moorehouse College. After his Moorehouse tenure, he followed in his father’s own entrepreneurial footsteps (himself head of his own construction company) when in 2017 Dr. Willis created Priority Toxicology Labs to capably serve the growing needs of the greater Atlanta community with simple, clear and definitive direction-
“Our goal is to help our community become more knowledgeable and ultimately be in control of their health.” > > > > > > > > >
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