Core Solutions: Life Doesn't Have To Be A Pain In The Neck


Confessions Of A Parent Who Found Relief! LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A PAIN IN THE NECK

INSIDE: • Neck Pain 101 • Sudoku Puzzle • Neck Pain Analysis • Healthy Recipe

Headandneckpain isnot the typeofpain thatyoucan push throughanddealwith for too long.Forone thing, chronic pain in the head or neck is often associated with some sort of chronic health concern — one that you need to deal with, not ignore. Secondly, when you are dealing with constant pain in your head or neck, it becomes difficult to concentrate. This can have a negative effect on your personal relationships, your career and more. The most common cause of neck or head pain is a muscleor jointproblem.Workingwithaphysiotherapist can help you to identify the cause of the trouble and begin taking steps to correct the issue, allowing you to find relief from the pain without having to commit to long-termpainmanagement—whichoften includes theuseofpainmedicationsthatarepotentiallyharmful to your health and not likely to work as well over time. Unlike pain medications that become less helpful the longer they are used, physiotherapy provides long- term relief from pain by correcting the joint or muscle concernwithtargetedtherapies likeflexibilityexercises, musclestrengtheningtechniques,andguidedstretches that target core joints and muscles. Of course, not all neck or head pain is the same, so understanding the basics of what you are dealing with is the first step to achieving relief.

Head Pain 101. There are a lot of different types of headaches that you may experience, and each can be caused by its own different reason. For example, migraines can be caused by environmental factors, food allergies or even as a result of stress. There are headaches that can develop due to sinus pain and headaches thatwilldevelopwhenyouaredehydrated. There are also headaches that will develop when you are exposed too long to loud noises. There is no singular fix for each of these different types of headaches, which is why attempting to treat every headache you experience with the same medication frequently doesn’t work. One of the most common causes of headaches that are easily treatable with physiotherapy is radiating headaches,whicharecausedbystress inthe jointsand musclesof theneck.Thiscausespain to radiate from thetopoftheneck intothehead,especiallysurrounding the ears. There are a lot of reasons why radiating headachescoulddevelop, includingasa resultof lack of movement and stiffness in the neck. This buildup of irritationcanbe treatedwith regularphysiotherapy, especially through the use of massage and flexibility exercises that target the muscles in the neck.

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