2019 Annual Report


FWPD provides multiple required training classes to all officers each year including procedural justice and leadership classes. The FWPD Bicycle Unit and Central Division hosted the International Police Mountain Bike Conference that included over 100 law enforcement officers from across America for training classes and events to discuss the latest best practices for police use of bikes. FWPD also hosted the Women in Law Enforcement conference in September. The purpose of the conference was to empower females in all areas of law enforcement. The LEO Class 6 graduated on October 11 adding trained officers on the streets of Fort Worth. LEO partici- pants are individuals with previous law enforcement experience.

International Police Mountain Bike Conference

LEO Class 6

Citizen Use of Force Training

The department provides Citizen Use of Force training where community members can experience the simi- lar situations that officers experience in the field. Participants learn about the department’s use of force training policies, procedures, and training and discuss the purpose and goals of use of force tactics as well as participate in hands-on scenarios. In 2019, FWPD held four Citizen Use of Force classes.

Here’s what people are saying about FWPD’s Citizen Use of Force training:

I’m impressed that the Dept. is conducting this training for the public. Also impressed with the robustness of the departmental training in general. Thanks for the opportunity

-Charles Boswell (Race and Culture Task Force member)

I’m glad FWPD provides this as an eye opening course to help the community understand the perspective of FWPD. I think every FW citizen could benefit from a greater understanding of the vision of our police & to reduce misperceptions.

-Kate Hartfeld (Fort Worth community member)

To learn more, call 817-392-4102, or email CPDProceduralJusticenit@fortworthtexas.gov.


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