March 2022 Results

ite… Welcome to Hollis Morgan LIVE ONLINE Auctions…STREAMED LIVE on our website

SELLING at online auction…… a brief guide

the key benefits of a

sale by LIVE ONLINE auction

 speed Exchange on the night with a quick completion of 4, 6 or 8 weeks  closure 10% deposit taken on the night and deal is done  intensive 4-6 week marketing campaign with local, national and international coverage  access to both traditional family buyers and the professional market  control you have set out your plans for buyers to follow – you are in charge and set the pace  reserve you set a reserve which protects you from selling for any less than you want  best possible price is achieved – and it is played out in front of your own eyes meaning no "what ifs!"


hollismorgan – the results speak for themselves…

You can download the full Sellers Guide and watch the video on our website

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