Welcome! On behalf of Kunkel Simmentals, I welcome all of you to our annual bull & female sale. We are a family run operation that raises both purebred and commercial cattle, along with small grains. The bulls did NOT receive any creep feed this year. Due to the extreme dry condi- tions we faced after July 4th, the bulls were weaned earlier than normal. Now, they are getting fed a ration that consists of chopped hay, corn silage, distillers, grain corn, and a complete mineral package. All of the crops are home grown. The only things that are purchased are the distillers and the miner- al. We fed the same ration to the bulls for the past couple of years, and had excellent feedback on how the bulls held up through the breeding season. Once again this year, we will be offering free feeding, semen testing and delivery up to 250 miles from New Salem, ND on all the bulls. The bulls will be fed the same ration, but will slowly be backed off after the sale. This is done to ensure longevity. Herd health is a big priority to us. All the calves receive Vista Once SQ, 7-Way/Som- nus, and are injected with Long Range in May. On August 30 they were given Bov-
iShield Gold-One Shot and 7-Way/Somnus. The bulls were weaned mid-September and received booster shots of Bovi-Shield Gold 5, Somubac, poured with Dectomax, Val- bazen, and repoured with Dectomax in late December. The bred heifers in the offering have been ultrasound tested for pregnancy, poured with Dectomax, and have received Virashield 6 + VL5 HB and first round of Scourguard 4KC. They will be boostered the week of the sale. Due to positive feedback over the past two years with pair pictures only, we decided not to take any individual pictures again this year. This way you can see what the cows look like too. The cattle change so much from the end of December; when pictures are usually taken, to videos and then to the sale. We are still going to shoot videos of each lot sometime the middle of January. We strongly encourage visitors prior to the sale. The bulls will be at the ranch until Feb- ruary 5th; then they will be moved 1.5 miles north to the sale facility. Watch for signs. Thank You for your interest in our program. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Visitors are always wel- come, as we invite you out to the ranch ahead of time to see the sale offerings for yourself! See you all at the sale!
Dusty and Kayla Kunkel’s family
Kevin and Charys Kunkel’s family
Brian and Holly Kunkel’s family
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