WAPT Rehab. How Bad Posture Affects You

What Can I Do About My Posture?

3. Exercise. Exercise is incredibly important, especially if your job produces several hours of inactivity. When you exercise, you are stretching and strengthening certain muscles of your body, including problem areas such as your neck and back. Taking even a small amount of time to walk or jog around the neighborhood every day can highly improve your overall gait. 4. Setupyourofficeproperly. Ifyouwork fromanofficeallday, it is important tohaveaproperergonomicsetup.Makesure thatyouareataproperheight with your desk chair and computer, so you don’t have to slouch or lean forward. Additionally, make sure your chair has the proper lumbar support needed tohelpyousitstraightwhileyou’reworking.Thesesimplestepscan help tremendously with your overall posture. HOW CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP? If these at-home treatments don’t work, it is important to consult help from a physical therapist. Simply standing up straight is a fight against gravity, and if you have been standing the wrong way for several years, it may be difficult to change itonyourown.However,physical therapistsarededicated togettingyou on back on track to a pain free, and risk free life. They will evaluate your posture and gait to determine the best treatments necessary for you, and then they will create a treatment plan unique for your needs. They can improve your posture, eliminate your pain, and get you back to doing the activities you love to do. If you are experiencing pain, and you think it may be a result of your posture, give us a call today. We will help you get back to a comfortable posture with just a few sessions. Call Washington Physical Therapy & Rehab today 425.820.2110!

It can be difficult to correct poor posture, but there are a few steps you can take on your own to try and help: 1. Sitproperly. Ifyouareatadesk forextendedperiodsof theday,makesure your stance is okay. Sit upright, place your feet flat on the floor, and try not tocrossyour legs.Makesure there isasmallgapbetween thebackofyour knees and the chair. Having a chair with strong back support and padding is also recommended for making your upright position more comfortable. 2. Take stretch breaks. If you are an office worker, it is not secret that most of the day is spent with limited levels of mobility. It is important to make sure that you get up every 30 minutes or so, and take a small walk, at least for a minute or two. This will help in loosening up your muscles and joints, as well as initiating a stronger blood flow.

Improve Posture In Minutes Try this exercise to improve posture.


Print sudoku http://1sudoku.com

The goal of Sudoku is to fill in the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3 x 3 region.




6 2 8


2 4 1 3 2


4 3



6 5 4 3 7




2 3

7 8






4 2 8 7 9

1 PRONE ON ELBOWS While lying face down on your stomach, slowly raise your upper body up and prop yourself onto your elbows. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

2 8 8 4 3


5 9






9 2 1 n° 37953 - Level Hard

Alwaysconsultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbeforestartingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


n° 35089 - Level Hard




3 5

5 9


Call 425.820.2110 or visit www.waptrehab.com to schedule your appointment today!

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