King's Business - 1937-07


July, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

1. The Revelation of Law (vs. 1-17). In this section we have revealed the very heart of the divine law given in ten com­ mandments which in turn may be divided into two tables: the first dealing with man’s relation to God; and the second dealing with man’s relation to man. These two tables are summed up by our Lord in two supreme commandments (Matt. 22:36-40). It is a strange circumstance that these Ten Commandments, which are doubtless bet­ ter known to most people than any other part of Scripture, have for the most part been completely misunderstood as to their purpose. Men have perversely taken the Law as a way of salvation instead of see­ ing it was given to reveal and convict men of sin: “By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Rom. 3:20). 2. The Revelation of Sin (vs. 18-23). It was no accident that following the reve­ lation of divine law the people acted as recorded in this passage. They “stood afar off” and said to Moses: “Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.” So quickly the Law had begun to do its work. The Law can­ not save. It can only condemn the sinner. Something else is needed, and God has not forgotten to put it here in this chapter just where it belongs. 3. The Revelation of Grace (vs. 24-26). When God gave His perfect Law, He knew in advance that sinners would fall to keep it, so immediately He reveals the remedy for broken law: "An altar . . . thou shalt

make.” There are three things about this “altar” which speak loudly of God’s grace. First, the altar was to be made of either “earth” or “stone.” This requirement would put an altar within the reach of the poor­ est man because such material would be available to all. Second, in casé the sinner used stone, he must not “build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.” Thus human devices and works are excluded. Third, the sinner is not to “go up by steps” to God’s altar. I do not think we are wrong in see­ ing here another precious revelation of grace. The true altar of God is not set half way on the road to heaven, but down low enough to be reached by all who are “without strength.” We need only look and live. There are no “steps” to the cross. “I am almost afraid to use this beautiful table,” said the owner as he stood admir­ ing its smooth surface. The cabinetmaker ran his hand across the polished surface and felt the thickness of the wood. “What are you afraid of?” he asked. “You can’t wear out that table. Why, do you know that nowadays they would make fifty veneered tables out of just the wood you’ve got in this one; but this— the more you use it, the better for it, madam.” * * * * Said one girl to another, “You’re too Golden T e x t Illustration M atthew 22:37, 39

bright and lovely to be wearing yourself out doing so much for other people.” “I can’t be very good stuff to begin with, then,” was the girl’s retort. “Trying to live happily with one’s neighbors never wore anybody out yet, unless the person was of such thin veneer that she was afraid people would find her out.” There is one law for the solid people and the solid woods, and that is the law of constant, wellrsunned, well-aired, cheery use. Only veneer is injured by the com­ mon, practical, wholesome duties of every­ day life.— Forward.

God’s Good Laws E xodus 19:1 to 20:21

Memory Verse: “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient” (Ex. 24:7). Approach: God had delivered His peo­ ple out of the land of. bondage, He was directing them in the way they should go,

and He was feeding and caring for them. They were a great company of people, many h u n d re d s of thousands of them, you remember. The next thing that God did was to give them some laws by which

’ V y i e t Q ’

to live.

Lesson Story: The children of Israel had been on their jour­ ney for three months. They had reached Mt. Sinai. God had many things to say



The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Music Instruction Private instruction in Voice, Piano, Pipe Organ, Evangelistic Piano Accompaniment, and other instruments. Worship Students may attend the Church of the Open Door at the Institute, or near-by churches of their choice. Recreation Afternoons, evenings, and Saturdays are left free for library work, and for recreation at the mountains or sea. Expenses Registration fee (payable in advance): $5.00 the term; $2.00 per week. Rooms in thirteen-story Biola dormitory: $10.00 the term—Single room. $15.00 the term—Double room. Meals at Biola Dining Room or near-by cafeterias and restaurants. Registration Registration Thursday and Friday, July l and 2, in Room 634, and Tuesday morning, July 6, in rear of Lecture Room I between 8:00 and 10:00 a . m . A postal card will bring you a circular describing in detail the courses given and the opportunities at Biola of vaca­ tioning with a purpose.


8:15 - 9:00 a . m . Daily —Doctrine of Man and Salvation —Kenneth M. Monroe

Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Non-Christian Religions

—lone Lowman

Vacation with a Purpose * * * *

9:10-9:55 A. M. Daily —The Book of Acts Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Child Evangelism

—John A. Hubbard

There is still time to make reservations for the Biola Sum­ mer Cruise. Whether you are a pastor, student, or layman, we have endeavored to anticipate your desires. The numerous re­ sponses already received lead us to believe that God is answering our prayers in leading many to vacation at Biola. If you cannot spend the full month with us, may we remind you that the BIOLA ARGOSY touches harbor Monday, July 19, and you may embark for the final two weeks. The term has been divided especially for you who can spend only two weeks with us.

—Martha S. Hooker

10:05 -10:30 a . m . Daily —Chapel—Guest Speakers 10:40 -11:25 a . m . Daily —Messianic Prophecy 11:35 a . m . -12:20 p . m . Daily —Exposition of Revelation

—Paul J. Goodwin

—Paul W. Rood

2:00 - 2 :45 p . m . Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Applied Church Music

—John B. Trowbridge

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