King's Business - 1937-07

July, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

to His people, and He said them through Moses, His servant. He told Moses the Ten Commandments, which tell us our duty toward God and our dutj( toward each other. God wants us to use these commandments as a mirror. In them we can see ourselves, and we can see whether or not we are obeying God’s laws. Obeying these laws did not save the chil­ dren of Israel from slavery under Pharaoh. They were already on their way out of Egypt before the laws were given. These were the rules that they were to use as they traveled along. God expects us to obey these rules, too. Obeying them is not the way by which we get to heaven, for our believing in the Lord Jesus as our Re­ deemer does that, but we must have rules to follow while living here on earth, and these are our God-given rules.

was trying to do right to associate with a boy who was always doing wrong. David, one Sunday afternoon, asked for permission to go walking with Jimmy, one of the finest fellows in his Sunday-school class. As soon as he was out of his mother’s sight, David turned toward Bill’s home instead. What commandment had he broken? The fifth says, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” and the ninth says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” We will break the fifth and ninth matches representing the commandments that David broke. Bill was at the gate waiting for David, and they started immediately for the swim­ ming pool with Bill’s gang. What other commandment was David breaking? Yes, the fourth, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” We will break the fourth match. David was not in the habit of swearing, but his shoe string broke as he was taking off his shoes, and he took God’s name in vain. He broke the third commandment, and we will break the third match. Bill’s knife dropped from his pocket as he pulled his trousers off. He did not notice it, but David did, and he kicked some leaves over it, intending to return later and get it for himself. He had broken the tenth and the eighth commandments. In one short day he had broken six of the Ten Commandments. God gave the law to show men what He required, that they might realize their hope­ lessness of keeping the law, and then ac­ cept as Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who perfectly kept the law. When we realize that we have broken God’s law, we should come to Christ, confess that we have sinned, and- ask Him to cleanse us from all sin. terial from which the tabernacle was to be made—material that was to be offered free­ ly and willingly by the people (v. 2). When it is a'question of man’s approach to God, there must be a willing heart or else God cannot be found of him. The tabernacle was to be the earthly dwelling place of God (v. 8). He dwelt in no other place upon earth until the king­ dom was established under Solomon and the temple erected at Jerusalem (2 Sam. 7:6). God had walked with Adam, Enoch, and Noah; He had visited Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; but now He would dwell with His redeemed and separated people (cf. Lev. 26:12; Ex. 29:45). The tabernacle speaks, as does all else in the Scriptures, of Jesus Christ; in Him alone God is made mani­ fest. The tabernacle was to be built as God directed (v. 9 ); nothing was left to hu­ man will or reason., The religion of the Bible is a revealed religion, and all its ordinances, ceremonies, and conduct are made known by God by means of revela­ tions. The tabernacle was to be a copy, or shadow, of a reality—and the reality was the true tabernacle in heaven (cf. Heb. 8:5).


"GREATER ALASKA TO U R " SIXTH SEASON To Seward, Columbia, Glacier and 12 Alaska Ports, via Inside Passage. Special train equipment to Seattle. AUGU ST 1 0 - 2 5 , 1 9 3 7 An All - expense Tour ait Approximately $11.00 per day. Personally conducted by Howard L, Brown. Tour membership opened to all. Travel Department California Christian Endeaver Union 301 Columbia Bldg., 313 W. Third St. Los Angeles M EX ICO C ITY TOUR Aug. 11-26.

Object Lesson B reaking G od ’ s L aw Objects: Ten matches, and a board with ten nail holes in it. Lesson: As we name each of the Ten Commandments, I will place these ten matches in this board. Now I want to tell you a story. Mrs. Jones had been noticing that her son David was walking home from school with Bill, a very bad boy. She ex­ plained that it was harmful for a boy who

AUGUST 22, 1937 THE PLACE OF RELIGION IN A NATION’S LIFE E xodus 25:1-40; 29:43-46; 40:1-38

Lesson'Text: Ex. 25:1, 2, 8, 9; 29:43-46; 40:34-38. Golden Text: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). Outline and Exposition I. T he D irections C oncerning the T abernacle (25:1, 2, 8, 9) O ur lesson begins with one of the key phrases of the Old Testament, “The Lord spake . . . saying” (v. 1). This expression or its equivalent occurs up­ wards of 1,900 times in the Old Testa­ ment. God “spake” concerning the ma- BLACKBOARD LESSON » ’bLESSED 15THEnOTIOn^ "SKBMCunto THECHILDHEOOFIS6BEL.

The problem of where to place their money has been solved for many people by the American Bible Society. Its annuity plan provides what most people want . . . safety, a generous return, regularity of income. Let us tell you of this plan which has worked for nearly ninety years without a single loss to any annuity holder, and with every payment sent promptly when due. And in addition to producing peace of mind there is the personal satisfaction of helping in the important work of dis­ tributing the Bible throughout the world. The booklet “ A G ift That Lives ” explains the plan. j m Z B E I I f - m a il t h is c o u p o n t o d a y . AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Bible House, N.Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-64 entitled "A Gift That Lives.”



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