King's Business - 1937-07

July, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

[Continued from page 263] Draw the outline of a cross around these articles of furniture with lemon juice or with ten drops of sulphuric acid diluted with twenty-five drops of water.) Lesson: This sheet of white paper has the floor plan of the tabernacle on it. Some people say that they see nothing in the tabernacle which interests them. They need the help of the Guide. Christ said that the Holy Spirit would guide the Christian into all truth. W e will let this electric bulb remind us of the Holy Spirit. As it shines into the tabernacle, we can see something new. (Wrap the paper around the bulb, and the heat will cause the invisible cross to appear.) It is a cross, reminding us of the cross on which Jesus died for us. The furniture in the tabernacle was placed in the shape of a cross. Centuries before crucifixion was used as a form of punishment, God knew that His Son Jesus Christ would die on a cross. Golden Text: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise” (Prov. 20:1). Outline and Exposition ... L. T he P rohibition for L eaders (L ev . 10:1, 2, 8-11; P rov . 31:4, 5) I T is generally supposed that Nadab and Abihu were more or less under the influence of strong drink when they went before the Lord and offered “strange fire” (Lev. 10:1, 2). Activity in the energy of the flesh is particularly offensive to God, and the use of strong drink leads to a manifestation of that which is earthy and fleshly. The believer is told to be “not drunk with wine, . . . but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). It is the Holy Spirit alone who is to control our worship. Nadab and Abihu were priests, and hence they were,to offer before the Lord nothing except that which the Lord commanded and in the manner in which the Lord* directed. The memory of the punishment that fell upon these two priests for their willful dis­ obedience of the divine commands might well act as a deterrent to others who are tempted to minister in similar spirit. The Lord’s words were given directly to Aaron the high priest, the father of Nadab and Abihu, to beware of strong drink when he went to minister in the tabernacle before the Lord (Lev. 10:8-11). This warning to the priesthood was to teach them the dif­ ference between the holy and the common, the clean and the unclean. Constant handl­ ing of sacred things tends to make them of only ordinary significance. But the im­ measurable difference in nature between God and man, and between God’s ways and man’s ways, dare not be overlooked even momentarily. By clearly realizing the sacredness of the things of God, and by abstaining from strong drink which would dull their sense of spiritual values, the priesthood would be better fitted to teach

IMPORTANT NOTICE to K ING 'S BUSINESS SUBSCRIBERS We wish to double the circulation of the magazine and thus E X T E N D I T S M I N I S T R Y We believe we have the outstanding CHRISTIAN BIBLE FAMILY MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. We need the cooperation of every KING'S BUSINESS SUBSCRIBER If you will send us two new annual subscrip­ tions at the regular price, $1.50, we will extend your own subscription for one year from present expiration. WILL YOU HELP US REACH THE RELIGIOUS HOMES OF AMERICA WITH THE PRINTED PAGE? Mail correct names and addresses with remit­ tance of $3.00 to T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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As the Holy Spirit guides us, we will see wonderful things in the tabernacle. As we look at the door of the tabernacle, we find that it showed the colors blue, purple, and scarlet Blue suggested that Christ would come from heaven, purple that He would be a King, and scarlet that He would shed His blood on the cross. If the tabernacle is a mystery to you, why not ask the Guide, the Holy Spirit, to show you some of the wonderful things that it suggests? God’s truth to the people. The stimulation brought by strong drink beclouds the under­ standing, slows the mental reactions, and dulls the spiritual perceptions. Not only are direct prohibitions given to the priesthood, but the writer of the Book of Proverbs also condemns the use of strong drink by kings and princes, the judges of the people (Prov. 31:4, 5). God is ever mindful of the rights of people of every class. The humblest member of society is great before Him, and those who occupy places of authority and rulership are warned repeatedly against oppressing the poor and defenseless. Strong drink perverts judgment and blinds the mind to the correct administration of justice. II. T he P resumption of the L eaders (I sa . 28:1-8) Ephraim, the leading tribe, is here told of the consequences awaiting those who, in places of leadership and consequent respon­ sibility, turn their position and possessions into means of gratification of the flesh (vs. 1-4). Their glorious beauty would be as a fading flower. They would lose their high position, be brought low before their enemies, and pass away before their full time had come. In contrast with this condition, the Lord told them that He Himself would have been their crown and a diadem of beauty upon them, giving their judges a spirit of BLACKBOARD LESSON 6< b ' b 'mine i5omocK£&. STfcOnGDBinK. 15BRÖinü: '«DUEUIEROTDOWER •ytconnoT D&inK toe cut» of toe lodo ,«no

AUGUST 29, 1937 GOD CONDEMNS INTEMPERANCE L eviticus 10:1, 2, 8-11; P roverbs 31:4, 5; I saiah 28:1-8; R omans 14:21

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