King's Business - 1937-07

July, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


JOHNSTON EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS "Consecutive Gospel preaching meant souls saved"—James M. Gray

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

Write for Literature J. W. JOHNSTON

5517 Monterey Road

Los Angeles, CalM.

CHRISTMAS CARDS and SUNSHINE PLAQUES BE FIRST to cash in on big profits with our New 1937 Scripture Texts Cards just off the press. 21 beautiful folders—not a cheap card in the group—AN AMAZING VALUE. Costs 50c, sells for $1.00. Sample, 60c. S U N S H I N E PLAQUES—Thirty-five dif­ ferent kinds selling on sight from 25c to $1.00. Something new. Made right. Start you an income at once. Earn from $25 to $100 more with this beautiful line. W rite WESTERN ART STUDIOS Box 1500, Dept. K. Los Angeles, Calif. A BOOK THAT WILL HELP YOU. FOOD FACTS By MILDRED LAGER 243 pages of authentic food information. Paper edition, $1.00; Cloth edition, $2.00 HOUSE OF BETTER LIVING 1207 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Write for free catalog. m "ftUftHoody.clteck witl be o IDEAL FIN ISH ING n i T i a n i l w . printed 25a S n a p s ho t Folder and Enlargement coupon with each order. IDEAL PHOTO-SERVICE. Box 2255, Paterson, N. J. Ro11 developed a nd

AUGUST 1, 1937 THE UNIVERSE GOD MADE G enesis 1:1-8, 31; P salms 8:3, 4; 19:1, 2 Meditation on th e Lesson Judean skies are renowned for their love­ liness and splendor. They are the scene of wonderful revelations of God,, recorded in the Word. Perhaps it was at night that David, the shepherd, meditated upon the greatness of God as revealed in the jeweled canopy above him. Filled with its gran­ deur, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, he cries out, in the beautiful language of the Psalms: “When I consider thy heav­ ens . . . What is man, that thou art mind­ ful of him?” In another ascription of praise he exclaims: “The heavens declare the glory of God.” Astronomy, is a sublime science. The study of the stars carries us far out into space, where we feel the boundlessness of God’s universe, and His great condescension to man, the infinitesimal. Astronomers over­ whelm us with statistics concerning the heavenly bodies, for the distances computed are vastly beyond our limited comprehen­ sion. Neptune is more than thirty times farther than our earth is from the sun, and we are ninety-three millions of miles from the sun. The nearest fixed star is many thousands of times more distant than that! Multiply this magnitude millions of times— for there are known to be at least a billion stars—and’ you will see that the scope of God’s creation is infinite. How great is our God, who upholds the worlds by the word of His power! His only beloved Son left indescribable glory for the cross of Cal­ vary, where He washed us from our sins in His own blood that we might reign with Him! “What a wonderful Saviour is Jesús, my Lord!” Let us imagine a perfectly smooth glass pavement on which the finest speck would be discernible. Then shrink our sun from 865,000 miles down to only two feet in diameter and place this gilt ball on the pavement to represent the sun. Then step off 82 paces of about two feet each, and to proportionately represent the first planet, Mercury, put down a mustard seed. Then take 788 steps more, and for Jupiter put down an orange. Then take 108 steps more, and for Mars put down a pinhead. We should have to go 6,720 miles on the same scale before we could put down an­ other two-foot ball to represent the nearest star. Ah, how tiny is all matter when compared to the vast space of the heavens! And now note that King David said: “When I consider thy heavens, the work of Helps fo r the Leader I. O ur S olar S ystem

thy fingers . . . ” If God had made all these with His fingers, how mighty must His entire power be I Does not such a mar­ velous God deserve our praise and wor­ ship ?—Adapted from W. E. Blackstone’s “Our God and His Universe,” a pamphlet available at the Biola Book Room for five cents. II. A ll P ower in H eaven and in E arth When a man, from beholding and con­ templating the heavens has been brought to acknowledge God, he will learn also to re­ flect upon and to admire His wisdom and power as displayed on the earth. . . . The days and nights talk together and reason concerning the glory of the Creator. — J o h n C a lv in . III. S eein g G od T h ro ugh S cien ce “The undevout astronomer is mad.” “I am thinking God’s thoughts after Him,” said a great astronomer. “What do you see?” was asked of a famous botanist who was scrutinizing a flower. “I see God,” was the reverent an­ swer. “I have found a universe worthy of God,” said a Christian microscopist, turning from his microscope.—G. B. F. H allock . Some practices are expressly forbidden in the Word of God; others must be con­ demned because they violate principles necessary and fundamental to Christianity. Thus questionable indulgences often can be classified, although they may not be spe­ cifically referred to in the Bible. Gambling is an excellent example of this type of deviation from the will of God. In its essence, gambling is stealing, and the eighth commandment as recorded in the law says, “Thou shalt not steal.” Stealing is the act of appropriating for one’s own purposes that which legally belongs to an­ other; its aim is to secure something which one has neither earned nor legally received. In this connection let us remember that even though local laws may permit certain forms of gambling, and even though the persons who participate are willing to risk personal loss, the law of God is never abrogated. The basic objection to gambling is that it involves getting something for nothing, at the expense of other individuals. God has ordained labor for men. He has said, “Six days shalt thou labor” (Ex. 20:9), and, ‘‘If any would not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thess. 3:10). When man at­ tempts to disobey God’s law, he always fails in the long run. AUGUST 8, 1937 GAMBLING, A RACKET E xodus 20:15; M a t t h e w 27:35 Meditation on the Lesson

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