King's Business - 1937-07

July, 1937



father, a hero of many battles in a great war, “Grandad, I sure would love to be a soldier and a hero, if I just knew I wouldn’t get hurt .”—Alliance Weekly. III. C ostly F ollow ing Two young soldiers were talking about the service of Christ. One of them said: “I can’t tell you all that the Lord Jesus is to me. I do wish that you would enlist in His army.” “I am thinking about it,” answered his comrade, “but it means giving up several things; in fact, I am counting the cost.” An officer, passing at that moment, heard the remark, and laying his hand on the shoulder of the speaker, he said: “Young friend, you talk of counting the cost of fol­ lowing Christ, but have you ever counted the cost of not following Him?” For days that question rang in the ears of the young man, and he found no rest till he sought and found it at the foot of the Saviour of sinners, whose faithful soldier and servant he has now been for twenty- seven years .—Christian Witness. AUGUST 22, 1937 HONESTY THAT MAKES NO EXCEPTIONS God’s hatred of dishonesty and falsehood is forcibly revealed in His judgment of Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit. Although God does not now show His displeasure by instantly taking the lives of deceivers, His righteousness still re­ quires that sin must be punished. For the Christian, the death penalty has been borne already by the Lord Jesus Christ. But un­ confessed sin in the life of a Christian merits and brings the Lord’s chastisement in this present life, though the believer “himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire” (1 Cor. 3:15). The Word of God states specifically that “a lying tongue” is an abomination to the Lord (Prov. 6:16, 17). Because of His holy and righteous nature, God must at one time or another judge the violators of His immutable counsel, for He changes not; He is the same “yesterday, to­ day, and for ever.” A modern philosophy is expressed in the maxim, “Honesty is the best policy.” One whose ideals reach no higher level than this selfish motive is bound to make excep­ tions. If one’s actions are governed by a flexible code of morals, it may seem justi­ fiably expedient to deviate from strict hon­ esty under certain circumstances. But the Lord 'God, who sees and knows what is done in secret, cannot countenance that which savors of duplicity; He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. Chris­ tians must “provide things honest in the sight of all men” (Rom. 12:17). The per­ son who has been born again through faith in Christ Jesus can be expected' to be transparently honest in every detail of his life. The reason is that the Holy Spirit progressively makes believers conformable to Christ, delivering them from the works of the devil which formerly characterized their lives. Temptations to do minor shady things A cts 5:1-11; H ebrews 13:18 Meditation on the Lesson

come to Christians daily. The “white lie” of the business man and the bit of cheating on a student’s examination are alike unbe­ coming to the child of God, for “if any man be in Christ.. . . old things are passed away.” Do our lives represent the new life in Christ which is without malice and without hypocrisy, a life which truly adorns the gospel ?

FATHER AND SON-EVANGELISTS C. E. HEDRICK, 0. D. H. H. HEDRICK, B. D. Preach and Sing CHRIST MESSAGES: Sane, scriptural and soul stirring. t : Vocal, Instrumental and rousing singing. RESULTS: Christians edified, unsaved born again and happy fellowship of Pastor and People strength­ ened. Write for 1937 dates—Eastern or Western States. Father and Sen Evangelists. 236 East Tenth Street, Long Beach, Calif. (Entertainment and Thank Offering) Would You Like Current Information Relative to Your Present Investments? If interested, communicate with J. P. WELLES C . L WELLS & C OM P A N Y Investment Securities 724 SO. SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA Telephone M I. 9651 Teletype L A 416

Helps fo r 'the Leader I. T ran sform ing P ower

Christianity inculcates honesty. An Anglo- Indian once gave a Christian worker a check for one thousand dollars for his work. When doing so, he said: “Your work means money to me. Before you came to India with your missions and clubhouses, life for a business man was not worth living. Now all is changed. I can go away for weeks

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I have been young heaton C ollege is now the oldest and largest institution of its particular kind in the world. It is unique among the colleges and universities of the Nation. With the highest educational standing accorded any Liberal Arts College, it combines a stalwart avowal of the Bible as the in­ spired Word of God and loyalty to the principles upon which our country was founded. Its material and e d u c a t io n a l ad­ vancement in rec en t years has been phenomenal. But its s p ir itu a l signifi­ cance has become far greater. It is widely

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