King's Business - 1937-07


July, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

S C O F IE L D R E F E R E N C E B IBLE W ith Helps on the Pages Where Needed A Y E A R 'S B IB LE C O U R S E [ 5 2 LESSONS W ITH 7 4 5 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS] H ere is ample material for a whole year’s Both enjoyable and profitable study of the Bible. for By using your spare time you can obtain a good working knowledge of the world's Best Book. The Bible Course is arranged to suit the needs of busy people. The Scofield Reference Bible has helps to the hard places on the pages where they occur. START NOW to know the Bible better WITH A LARGE TYPE BIBLE. THE COMBINATION IS $3.25 A t all booksellers or 'from the publishers OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 114 F ifth A venue N ew Y ork

You Need Prophetic Research By KEITH L. BROOKS

Embodying the main principles underlying future events, this helpful textbook provides a thorough course of study in Bible prophecy. Blanks are provided for the answers to re­ search questions which comprise the major portion of the booklet. The first and second comings of Christ, the judgments, the tribu­ lation, the millennium, and the land of Pales­ tine are some of the topics considered. 70 pages. Brooks Publications. Paper. Price 50 cents. The Coming Kingdom and the Re-Canopied Earth By HOWARD W. KELLOGG In his booklet, The Canopied Earth, Dr. Kellogg applied a scientific theory (not yet proved} to the interpretation of the first chapter of Genesis which seems to offer a solution to the Biblical statements concerning the Deluge and the prophecies concern­ ing the purging and renewal of creation in the last days. The second booklet. The Coming Kingdom and the Re-Canopied 1 Earth, enters more fully into the problems, discussing the scientific basis for the positions taken, and bringing additional^ proofs from the Bible. 84 pages. Brooks Publications. Paper. Price SO cents. Dr. Gray at th e Moody B ible Institute By WILLIAM M. RUNYAN “This book is,” as Mr. Runyan explains, “neither a biography nor an autobiography, but merely a sketch of Dr. James M. Gray limited to his relation to, and his connection^ with, the life and work of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.” Yet it is by no means a volume that is narrow in its out­ look or unprofitably restricted in its development. Steadily, wisely, ever with firm tread, Dr. Gray walks through these pages just as he walked through life, and the reader who knew the man, even re­ motely, will exult to see him again. Recollections of his quick wit, his dignity, his classroom bearing, his pungent pulpit utterances, will flash upon the memories of those who think fondly of him. Of equal value is the book to the one who never met Dr. #Gray or attended the Moody Bible Institute, for it presents a character to be admired because that one was “hid with Christ in God.” 186 pages. Oxford University Press. Cloth. Price ¿1.50. New Testament The Oxford University Press has issued a new Onyx Type Self-Pronouncing Testament.^ The book is unusually thin, and is at the same time printed in very readable type. It is published in eighteen different styles, both with and without the Psalms. Some of the styles have the words of Christ printed in red. A unique feature of the book is the in­ clusion of a chronological harmony of the life of Christ. Bound in beautiful French Morocco, this attractive and durable vest-pocket volume is avail­ able at prices ranging from ¿1.20 to ¿2.50. Oxford University Press. B ible Epitaphs By CLARENCE E. MACARTNEY In this book of seventeen sermons are brought before us a few of the great and a number of the less known characters of both the Old and New Testaments.^ The author has made a study of their noble and ignoble deeds, and he shows how right­ eousness ana virtue have made the records of some of the characters great, and also how sin and moral degradation have carried others to graves on which no words of honor could be written. A study of these sermons will make the reader ask, “What kind of epitaph will be written on my tomb?” 200 pages. Cokesfoury Press. Cloth. Price ¿1.50. Sermons on Old Testament Heroes By CLARENCE E. MACARTNEY Cognizant of the popular demand of the modern day for biography, Dr. Macartney drew from the Word of God, for the edification of his Pittsburgh congregations, a series of messages clustering around eighteen Old Testament leaders. The present vol­ ume preserves for pastors and other readers these illuminating studies, with their wealth of practi­ cal application. 237 pages. Cokesbury Press. Cloth. Price ¿1.50.

PROPHECY MONTHLY Startling articles for prophetic students. Trial offer, 4 months, 25c 2003 Addison Way Los Angeles, California

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A THRILLING STUDY FOR THESE VERY RAYS • Thrilling to the beginner, stimulating to the advanced student. It develops entirely new lines of thought. Confirms the premillennial position. This course takes you directly to the Word of God where you do the research work yourself and have a "Thus saith the Lord“ for each step. The lessons are in topical arrangement and logical order. You’ll cover everything from Christ’s first advent through the Millennial reign. Detailed teaching regarding the intermediate state of the dead; the resurrection state of saved and lost; the meaning of heaven and hell; the Day of the Lord and the judgments; the Jew and the Holy Land; the Beast and the False Prophet; the rejuvenated Roman Empire—and a hundred other subjects. EXTENSIVE STUDY OF PROPHETIC PORTION OF THE BIBLE Written in the same ponu’ar but penetrating style that characterizes Mr. Brooks' other vital studies now steadily used in churches and Bible schools throughout the country. This is not alone a reading course. The ideas of men however scholarly are subordinated to the Bible itself although helpful notes on many difficult texts are found in the study. In his own effective way the author draws out your interest by the "Brooks Bible Quiz” method. Blank spaces are provided for your answers and conclusions. You will find when you are done that you have an exhaustive reference text of your own on prophecy and that what you have learned will not be forgotten. This research course on prophecy, easily worth ten times its cost, is priced low for group use. Printed on heavy

bond writing paper, strongly bound, only 50c. For LIGHT on the days in which we live, order this work at once. If you are a„ teacher or a pastor you will find in it a wealth of new material. Use the coupon below. Brooks Publications, 2003 Addison Way Dept. KB, Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: Please send me___ copies of "Research Course in Prophecy’’ by Keith L. Brooks, 50c each. Remittance enclosed (stamps, check or money order). Q Send C. O. D. plus postage. I wish also to order the following: --------copies Riches of Genesis @ 50c ----- --copies Practical Bible Training Course @ 50c -copies Christian Workers’ Efficiency course. @ 75c ___.copies Young Believers’ Bible Work @ 25e ' _____ _____ copies Course in Bible Marking @ 25c__,___ — __copies Applied Song Directing @ 5 0 c ____ - NAM E ................................................................... ADDRESS ............................................................ CITY ......................................... STATE......... $____ _____ ____

BROOKS PUBLICATIONS 2003 Addison Way. Dept. KB. Los Añóreles COURSE—offered by a Bible Institute as correspondence course, for $3.50. This ma­ terial by Mr. Brooks, most practical helps for any who wish to serve Christ.............. 75c YOUNG BELIEVERS* BIBLE WORK, Brooks Bible Quiz method, covering first essentials for young C hristians.............. 25c COURSE IN BIBLE MARKING, wonderful helps for beginners in Bible study............ 25c APPLIED SONG DIRECTING—a new course prepared by Prof. Herbert G. Tovey, giving illustrated lessons on how to direct choir or congregation in song. Includes many new Gospel songs and choruses............................50c • Write for catalog of other courses published by Mr. Brooks—sold at reduced rates for classes. OTHER V ITAL STUDY MATER IAL THE RICHES OP GENESIS — thorough Bible Course by Mr. Brooks. It will make the Bible a new book to you......................50c PRACTICAL BIBLE TRAINING COURSE •—Brooks Bible Quiz method, student writes answers from texts......................................... 50c CHRISTIAN WORKERS* EFFICIENCY

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