King's Business - 1937-07

July, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


A L I BERAL OF FER T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s Annua l subscriptions to The King’s Business are offered w ith the books shown below a t the special prices quoted. This is a rare opportun ity to get THE READERS’ BIBLE, or THE NEW HOME, OFFICE and SCHOOL DICTIONARY, or the well-known devotional book, STREAMS IN THE DESERT, on exceptionally favorable terms.

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W E B S T E R D ICT IONARY Bound in black semi-flexible artificial leather, gold stamp­ ed, round comers, red edges, semi-index, printed on white eggshell paper. 38,000 word vocabulary. 928 pages. 32 Colored Maps, Dictionary of Commerce and Law, Diction­ ary of Synonyms and Anto­ nyms, Population of cities in the United States.

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STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Ghas. E. Cowman.—The most popular devotional book in the Biola Book Room. Arranged for daily reading. With one year’s full paid subscription to The King’s Business, $2.25 in all.

THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. I desire to receive THE KING'S BUSINESS for one year and a copy of the book which I have checked. I enclose: $1.70 for THE KING'S BUSINESS and THE READERS' BIBLE □ $1.75 for THE KING'S BUSINESS and THE WEBSTER DICTIONARY □ $2.25 for THE KING'S BUSINESS and STREAMS IN THE DESERT □ Name Street ...................................................................................... ............................. city...... ..................... state.........................................


558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

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