Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton - April 2020

The Best Eco-Friendly and Kid-Friendly Activities for Earth Day

It can be tough to figure out how to switch up family activities. Kids can be very attached to their electronics, making it hard to get them invested in anything else. With Earth Day coming up this month, you have the perfect excuse to put down the phones and get outside to save the planet. If you’re looking for ways to spend time with your kids on Earth Day, try these eco-friendly family activities: You can teach your kids a lot about downcycling and upcycling through recycled art. Downcycling is when waste is recycled to become a new product, but there’s a loss of quality as a result. Upcycling is the opposite: Whatever you recycle becomes a product with a higher value. One way to upcycle is to create recycled art. Use old newspapers or magazines to create collages or papier- mâché bowl sculptures around balloons, jars, or your own custom shape with chicken wire. You can also use old plastic or glass bottles as beautiful hanging planters or create Pick up trash andmake art with it.

garden, you can pick out some indoor plants or create a hanging garden with recycled bottles.

Build a compost system.

If you have a garden, the next best thing you can do is start composting at home. Did you know that you can compost your cardboard products? Instead of waiting for the recycling truck every week, you can use your spare green and brown waste to create incredibly nutritious soil for your garden. Green waste includes vegetable and fruit scraps, eggshells, nutshells, coffee grounds, etc. Brown waste includes cardboard, dead leaves, paper egg cartons, wine corks, andmore. Get a bin andmaintain a green-to-brown ratio of 1-to-2. Layer, water, and turn the compost to keep it healthy. It can take anywhere from twomonths to a year, depending on what you put in and how often you turn it.

a memorable wind chime from jar lids, tin cans, plastic silverware, and old rubber bands.

Plant a garden.

Gardening is one of the most rewarding ways to spend time outdoors. Your kids can learn about caring for another living thing and grow their own vegetables and fruits. A great way to start is to find out what’s in season in your area. If you don’t have an outdoor

We hope you and your family have fun with these planet-loving activities. Stay clean!

April is filled with technological history of the ways people communicate with each other. This month marks the 160th anniversary of the start of the Pony Express mail service, April 27 is Morse Code Day, and April 25 celebrates the birthday of Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the first radio. Each of these technological advancements revolutionized the way people talked, but as time has gone on, communication has continued to change. Today, talking with someone, even if they are on the other side of the world, can happen within seconds. This fast rate of communication means people stay in touch, learn what is happening

to see how the evolution of tech has impacted our industry. We have gone from having to use law libraries filled with books and files to now having nearly all the information we need in the palms of our hands. Our attorneys no longer have to bring stacks of paper into court.

Instead, they rely on the Hare Wynn Cloud, which is our secure case management platform that allows our legal teams easy access to thousands of documents. No matter where our team is, they can pull up vital information within moments to support our clients. Hare Wynn is on the cutting edge of information technology and litigation support that gives our lawyers and legal teams the edge they need to compete against the largest corporations and law firms in the world. Our ability to process and present information allows us to excel in complex, fast-paced litigation.

all around the world, and communicate more effectively than ever. In the field of law, this is everything.

We are proud to be a firm that is willing to commit the time and resources necessary to compete at the highest level of the profession.

Over the last 50 years, there have been many changes in the practice of law, mainly around the advancement of technology. It’s astounding

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