King's Business - 1933-09

October, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


in Europe. One of them, Lydia, a seller of purple, became the first convert in Europe. Lydia was ready to listen and ready to receive what was preached. There is a peculiar interest in the record here (v. 14). From it we gather that the human heart must first be opened by the Lord. Even in the best of people, the natural heart is closed to the approach of God’s grace (Rom. 8 :7 ; 2 Cor. 4:4; Jer. 17:9). But to Lydia there was given a readiness to ac­ cept when the gift of God was offered to her. Satan would oppose, but the Lord enables. The proof o f Lydia’s conversion is seen, first, in that she acknowledged her death to all the old nature and former life by being baptized (v. 15). Second, she acknowl­ edged her oneness with the Lord’s people by inviting the preachers to enter her house. Third, she acknowledged her new life by association with the saints in the face of certain persecution. III. T he P ower of the L ord ’ s S ervant (25-31). The servant of the Lord has power to enjoy a peace that passeth understanding and a joy which is superior to outward vicissitudes of distressing experiences. Paul and Silas not only prayed in the prison cell, but they “sang praises unto God.” Here we have an illustration o f the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness de­ pends upon outward circumstances and is the object of the pursuit of the world. Joy depends upon the inner presence of Christ and is the portion o f the Christian. Thus in spite of the cruel beating, the chafing of the stocks into which their feet were thrust, and the cold and noisome dungeon, Paul and Silas were enabled to close their eyes to the outward conditions and open them to the inward presence of Christ, and seeing Him they could do nothing but break out in songs of praise to God. The servant o f the Lord may awaken conviction o f sin. This Roman jailer was unmoved by the preaching. When, however, the earth rocked, and the foundations of the prison shook, and the door o f the cells flew open, he was seized with panic. Be­ lieving the prisoners had escaped, and fear­ ing punishment from the Roman authori­ ties, he was about to commit suicide when the voice of Paul stayed his hand. That voice awakened deep conviction of sin, and he cried out, “ Sirs, what must I do to be saved ?” The servant o f the Lord knows the way of salvation. Paul told the jailer to “be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (v. 16). This word reveals the preeminent import­ ance of faith in Christ, the one thing with­ out which no one is ever saved. It reveals also the grace in God’s way o f salvation. That way is as open to the brutal and vi­ cious jailer as to the cultured and religious Lydia. All either o f them needed was sim­ ple faith in the crucified and risen Saviour and Lord. It reveals, furthermore, the need o f correct views of saving faith—a faith that lays hold upon Christ as the sufficient Sacrifice for sins and the acceptable Sub­ stitute for sinners. Some trust in correct living, or acceptance of the so-called ideals o f Jesus, or adherence to some other leader or system, but the only ground of salvation is the acceptance o f Christ as Saviour and Lord. He died for sins; He lives to keep the believer; He will come to deliver all His own from the present evil world. It is all o f Christ and from Christ and for Christ. This is saving faith. Lesson Questions Vs. 9 t 12. Where was Macedonia? After

Paul had seen the vision, how long did he wait before he responded? Who are “we” ? What did Paul interpret the vision to mean ? Vs. 13-15. Where did Paul go on the Sabbath? Why? Whom did he find there? Who was Lydia? What response to the teaching did she give? In what two ways did Lydia show that her conversion was genuine ? Vs. 25-31. What two things did Paul and Silas do at midnight? Is one more im­ portant than the other? Name four results. Why did the keeper of the prison attempt suicide? The jailer was impressed by the physical phenomenon and turned to the Lord; name some others who had similar experiences, but who allowed them to harden rather than mellow their hearts (cf. Ex. 8:1-15; Mk. 6:38-45, 51, 52), What do you think is the specific mean­ ing of the latter part of verse 31 ? Golden Text Illustration I was preaching in Manchester, England, some years ago. One Sabbath afternoon, I was short of workers, and there were a good many inquiring the way of life. I took some into the gallery, and after I had spoken five or ten minutes, a gentle­ man came up, a business man, and stood on the outskirts of the company. “My friend, are you not a Christian;?-? “ No. . I wish I was,” he replied. “ Then,” I said,¿“ I’ll speak to you and try to make the way plain to you, and if you can see it, perhaps the others may seè it.” I addressed my remarks to him. After I had used one or two illustrations, I said, “Now, do you see it?” • “ No. It is not clear-.-' It doesn’t help my case.” I gave a number of other passages. “Does it make it plain ?” “No. That doesn’t help my case.” He was like most people who think their case is a peculiar one.

I gave another and another illustration. Then he said, “The fact is that I can’t feel that I’m saved.” I said, “W as1it Noah’s feelings that saved him, or the ark?” “Good evening, Mr. Moody. It’s all set­ tled.” And away he went. I believe in quick work, but that was too quick for me. I wondered if the man did really see it. The next day I was look­ ing for my “ark man.” He wasn’t around. One afternoon I was going down the back stairs of the Free Trade Hall o f Man­ chester, and there wasn’t much light. A man tapped me on the shoulder and asked: “Do you remember me?” , “ I remember that voice,' but I can’t lo­ cate it,” I said. “Do you remember the man in the ark ?” I answered, “I’ve been looking for you.” He said, “ That settled it all at once. I’ve been trying to' save myself by my feelings, and trying to make an ark of my feelings, but the moment you spoke o f the ark, that settled it. Mr. Moody, always tell of the ark.”—D. L. M oody . A Happy Preacher A cts 16:9-34 - Memory Verse: “Rejoice in the Lord” . (Psa. 33:1). Approach: After Paul and Barnabas had returned to Antioch, they decided to start out again on a missionary journey. This time Barnabas took a young man named John Mark and Paul took another man

named S i l a s , a n d they went different ways. L e s s o n S t o r y : Paul and Silas were starting out in one direction to v i s i t some n ew places, when Paul had a vision one night. He was told to cross the sea and go i n t o Macedonia, a coun-

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S P R I N G G A R D E N S T R E E T A D E L P H I A . P E N N S Y L V A N I A

S E R V IN G -a n d -W A IT IN G

The Bible Battalion of America— is now organized to defend the Christian Faith and extend its Testimony. The Slogan is Back to the Bible— Back to Christ— Back to the Church. John Young, New York, Pres.— Harold Allem, Phila., Secy. The purpose of The Bible Battalion of America is to meet the ENEMIES OF THE BIBLE W ITH THE BIBLE and to bring back thousands whose faith has been overthrown. If you want to join, send ten cents, (stamps or coin), it will bring information and interesting literature that will stir your heart. Address: JOHN YOUNG, President e 2 Court St., Binghamton, N.Y.

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