King's Business - 1933-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1933

degradation of the fountain of living waters? No, it is an elevation. The hea­ venly treasure never proves its omnipo­ tence so strongly as when it lies in the earthen vessel. . . . Spirit of Christ, Spirit that hast incar­ nated Thyself in the brass and iron of this world, I come to Thee. . . . I need power to work in the world, strength to serve in the duties of the common day. . . . The incarnation of Christ shall be completed when Thou hast filled the brass, the silver, and the gold. — G eorge M a t h e s o n . NOVEMBER 24 “ O f a truth I perceive that God is no respecter o f persons" (Acts 10:34). The church of which Samuel Colgate was a member entered into an agreement to make special prayer for the conversion of sinners.1 For some days they prayed earnestly. One day applicants for church membership were invited to present them­ selves. A woman came forward. Heart­ broken, she told her story of what a sinner she had been, and how God had forgiven her for Christ’s sake, and she wished to slip into a corner of the church and have the fellowship o f God’s people as she made the start for heaven. The silence was op­ pressive. Then a member arose and moved that action on ‘the application be postponed. Mr. Colgate arose and said in substance: “I guess we made a blunder when we asked the Lord to save sinners. W e did not specify what kind. I think we had better all ask God to forgive us for not specifying what kind of sinners we want saved. He probably did not understand what we wanted.” They all saw the point. The woman was received into fellowship. — S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s . NOVEMBER 25 “ Carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God" (Deut. 15:5). . Our best friend, even one we love most, may give us dangerous advice. But an­ other Friend is always at hand, ready to give us His safe and infallible counsel. God had promised to make Abram a great nation, descendants o f his own son and heir. The fulfillment o f the promise was long delayed; Abram and his wife Sarai had no son. So Sarai gave her husband worldly-wise advice. . . . He followed the advice of the one he loved most, took an Egyptian woman, Hagar, as his wife, and a son was born. Misery and suffering followed for Abram and Sarai, and for Hagar; and through all the centuries since, now close to 4,000 years, the dis­ aster o f that sin has continued through the descendants of Ishmael, the Moham­ medans o f today. It was dangerous ad­ vice that was given by a loved wife and was followed by a loved husband. . . . It -is all summed up in the words, “And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.” How different history would have been if the narrative could have told us that Abraham asked God about this, and then “hearkened to the voice of God” 1 — S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s ,. NOVEMBER 26 “ The upright shall dwell in thy pres­ ence" (Psa. 140:13). It was the purpose of God that we should never be without the Presence. A significant proof of it is given from the manner in which the first transgressors were affected by their disobedience—“ They hid themselves from the presence of the Lord” (Gen. 3:8). That Presence was their privilege—almost their right— for the true spirit of dependence ever presents a claim; but when sin came, the cloud arose

that the world may know that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me.” I believe with all my heart in the love of God. But here we see His royal bounty. Let us be willing to be loved as Christ is loved, and to love in return with all the heart and more.— A l e x a n d e r M c K e n z ie . NOVEMBER 20 “Now I know/’ (Gen. 22:12). Abraham has passed his final examina­ tion, and God knows that His friend now understands Him. His absolute obedience, devotedness, and confidence had never been proved before. It was there without doubt, but is now proved by action. Abraham re­ ceives back his son Isaac as from the dead. What language can describe the joy of these trusting hearts, the father who so unwaveringly trusted God, and the son who so unfalteringly trusted his father? There has been no failure, no wavering, no mis­ giving on the part of either father or son. No wonder God could say, “Now I know/’ ! He wants to say as much of you—you who are trudging on to your Moriah, not knowing, not seeing, but believing. Oh, do not deny Him the opportunity to say it, through faltering unbelief.— S elected . ' NOVEMBER 21 “ Surely" (Psa. 23:5). “ Surely,” says the psalmist. Why so sure? Because God is God, unchangeable and everlasting; He cannot withdraw what He has once given. If we believe not, He abideth faithful; He cannot deny Him­ self. . . . Fearful and fainting hearts, dreading the dark way alone—take heart; gird yourselves with new courage; lift up the hands which hang down, and confirm the feeble knees 1 God knows how many days o f life remain; He knows their needs, their temptations, and their sorrows; and He pledges Himself, that as the day, so shall be the strength; that the day shall never come which shall be unblessed with His goodness and mercy; and that He Himself, in the person of the blessed Lord, will be with us all the days, “even unto the end of the age.”—F. B. M e y e r . NOVEMBER 22 “Henceforth I call you not servants . . . but I have called you friends" (John 15:15). “ Come unto me,” He says. The Lord Jesus Christ is the most approachable of all persons. They came to Him from every quarter, and whoever came received won­ derful blessing. There was no refusal; there was no burden that was so heavy that the Lord Jesus could not take away, no trouble so great that He could not re­ lieve.—F. W . A in l e y . There’s nought on earth to rest upon; All things are changing here— The smiles of joy we gaze upon, The friends we count most dear: One Friend alone is changeless— The One too oft forgot, Whose love hath stood for ages past: Our Jesus changeth not. — S elected . NOVEMBER 23 “I have filled him with the Spirit of God . . . in all manner o f workmanship . . . to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass" (Ex. 31:3, 4). Whatl for so base a purpose as that? . . . I could understand his being in­ spired to live a life of unworldliness; but to fill him with the Spirit for the sake of life’s common round, to inspire him with a view to perform duties seemingly the most menial and the most undivine, is not this a

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