Voice(s) (Un)Told

2020 2021

Year in numbers

have at least an instrument to realise those initiatives to a certain degree. Another shift is the reframing of mental health and wellbeing, visible within the world and surely within Voice. Where we started a journey embracing different groups of psychosocial and intellectual challenged youth and their parents, we came to integrate a much wider concept of wellbeing and the importance of mindful inclusion and self-awareness. This is a journey we will further in 2022. To close this part, another beautiful product of 2021 mentioned earlier on and worth exploring is the mag- azine entitled “Woven Dreams”. Guided by three prin- ciples- Leave no one behind, nothing about us without us, and putting those furthest behind first, Linking & Learning facilitator YGOAL and the Voice Philippines team published this linking and learning milestone report. In this report, the team compassionately listens to the hearts and minds of rightsholders and grant- ee-partners to take action and inspire each other to ultimately create an inclusive society.

Kick off /inception meetings on Linking and Learning (L&L)

Many Calls for Proposals launched in second half of 2021, leading to a growing cohort of new grantees, introduced to Linking and Learning from inception.

10 21

Some of the most important data are presented here, compared to 2020. The change in type, place and duration of online versus offline events make comparisons a bit challenging, especially 2021 being a year of many project closures and new grantees onboarding. From 2022 a revised data set will be used, considering online, hybrid and face to face events

(Bi)annual Linking and Learning (L&L) events – face to face, online and hybrid

Annual events continued to take place face 2 face, online as well as hybrid. Especially online, some coun- tries had several linking and learning events with all grantee partners in a year.

11 18

Fifteen new communities of practice were initiated in 2021. Part of the earlier formed 40 CoPs are still active, and 49 online sessions took place in 2021 by ongoing and newly formed CoPs.

Community of Practice (CoP)

40 15

Besides the participation of stakeholders in CoPs, 2021 was characterised by project closures and new calls for proposals and approvals. This explains the relative low number of 40 encounters and influencing opportunities with other civil society and government actors.

Encounters of grantees with other stakeholders

113 40

248 126

88 21

L&L consultations - Online - Offline

As to be expected, the number of online consulta- tions is higher than offline. The data reflect a period of project closure and new approvals.

On average 155 grantees out of 228 active grantees participated in some Linking and Learning activity = 69%. Yet, all grantees participate in at least 1 L&L activity over the course of their project, and quite some former grantees stay active in the L&L community.

Overall average participation grantees in a Linking and Learning activity

209 155

Apart from the reported 81 blogs and articles, 30 Stories of Change were elaborated by the teams. Blogs and articles can be found at Voice website, IndonesiaInklusi, and Facebook pages.

Articles and blog produced and published

418 81

Learning calls between countries

16 1

This will increase from 2022, when all (new) grant- ees have started implementation of their projects.



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