Atlas. April Newsletter

And in that space is one of your rotator cuff muscles (the supraspinatus). (Don’t worry…I won’t ask you to repeat any of the names!) Well, what happens is as we become “more seasoned” in life…and have more birthday candles on our

birthday cake…that space can close down. In the beginning it can cause inflammation…

And lead to “bursitis”, “tendinitis” and “arthritis”… And eventually begin to cause fraying of the tendon… And then a partial tear… Or even worse, if left untreated, can cause a full rotator cuff tear. Luckily, if you have shoulder pain and early signs of problems…there are steps you can take today to stop that from happening… But first we want to see if this is really what you have going on.

So here’s what to do. 1. With the painful arm, reach behind your back and up between your shoulder blades as far as you can. Note if you have any pain, tightness or achiness. 2. Then with the non-painful arm, do the same thing. If there’s a difference from side to side…then there’s a really good chance you have at least the beginning signs of “Shoulder Impingement.” That’s the #1 Single Best At-Home Test I can give you to see if you’re having trouble with your rotator cuff. If you’re looking for answers and looking to get back to normal again… then send me an email at In the subject line write “Shoulder Pain Help”…and in the email tell me what you do day to day that gives you the most trouble with your shoulder… Hope this helps, Laura

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