Waldegrave School Summer Magazine 2024

Economics Talk with Stuart Hume

We were delighted to welcome Stuart Hume from the International Finance Corporation. Stuart provided insight into the IFC and educated Waldegrave students on how the organisation combines expertise with leveraging the private sector to transform investment across the world, aiming to create a more sustainable and inclusive environment. With a strong passion among the Waldegrave community for effecting positive change, Stuart not only inspired but also helped students understand how they can turn their ambitions into reality. “Stuart’s presentation was incredibly enlightening, shedding light on the crucial role of the International Finance Corporation in shaping global investment.”

“Stuart showed us how our aspirations for positive change can translate into real-world action. Thank you, Stuart, for broadening our horizons!”

How to build a CV with Sarah Mason Huge thanks to Sarah Mason from SThree for taking the time to speak to our Year 12 students about the importance of crafting an impressive CV. As a school, we know that a strong CV is the foundation of any successful career, and Sarah’s insights were invaluable in helping our students understand not only why this is so important, but also how they can showcase their skills and achievements in the best possible way. “Sarah’s talk was incredibly insightful and left us feeling empowered about our future career prospects. Learning how to craft a compelling CV was eye-opening, and her practical tips will undoubtedly help us stand out in the competitive job market.”

“Sarah’s presentation was incredibly beneficial, offering us a clear understanding of what employers are looking for in a CV. It was reassuring to learn how to effectively highlight our skills and experiences. We feel much more confident about our future job applications.”

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