King's Business - 1970-04

The th ird plaque was presented to the P resident by C raig Heaps from the B ible B ap tist Church in H un ting ton Park. Below a photo o f the earth seen from space, were im p rin ted the words from Job 26:7: “ He stre tche th out the North over the em pty place, and hangeth the earth upon n o th in g .” C raig ex­ plained to the P resident th a t in view o f many old s c ie n tific teachings, th is ancient quo tation from the oldest book o f the B ible contains amazing in s igh t in to the workings o f the universe and “ is considered to be a unique te s tim on y to th e tru th fu ln e s s and accuracy o f the B ib le .” As M r. Nixon w a rm ly responded to each repre­ sentative, he read aloud over the m icrophones o f the news media, the words w ritten on each plaque. In a le tte r given to the President, the young people also stated th e ir supp o rt o f th e P resident in his “ con ­ tin u in g e ffo rts to achieve an honorable and la s ting peace,” and th e ir recommendation o f Jesus Ch rist, the Prince o f Peace, as the answer to th e grave problem s faced by o u r coun try and th e world. For Kathy, Tim , Criag, and John the o p p o rtun ity to meet and speak w ith the P resident o f the U.S. was indeed a rare privilege, and the th r ill o f a life ­ tim e . For Tim , January 8 th held special im portance as he received news, a fte r m eeting the President, o f his election as S tudent Body P resident o f his high school. M r. David N icholas, BYA D irector, who also ac­ companied the group, la te r received a personal le tte r from Lt. Commander Charles Larson, Naval Aide to the President, comm ending the g roup 's action and fa ith . Another le tte r was received from th e P resident o f the United States h im se lf which stated: “ I want to express my thanks to you and the members o f the B ap tist Youth Association o f South­ ern C a lifo rn ia once again fo r the lam inated plaques and scroll pe rta in ing to th e Apollo M ission th a t you presented to me. I was very pleased to be honored th is way and to learn th a t th is group o f young people, under you r direction , are su pp o rtin g my e ffo rts in such a loyal and dedicated manner. “ W ith my g ra titud e and best wishes to all o f you .” However, th e greatest result o f th a t day was the comm un ica ting o f th e Gospel message. For in search­ ing fo r a unique way to present the cla im s o f Christ, the Name o f Jesus C h rist and His g lo ry was p ro ­ claimed nationw ide by a group o f dedicated, believ­ ing teenagers. KB More information concerning the plaque and the out­ reach of BYA is available by writing to Mr. Dave Nicholas, % Talbot Theological Seminary, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

with a space-age wall witness

These "Space-Age Wall W itnesses” have been beautifully preserved for life by means o f a high pres­ sure plastic lam ination process. Finished in elegant satin and sur­ rounded by IV a inches of luxuri­ ous w alnut, “ Spage-Age Wall W it­ nesses” m ake th e perfect gift for pastors, doctors, businessmen or anyone else who desires to com ­ m unicate a contem porary witness fo r Jesus Christ in a tasteful and dignified m anner.

T h e "Space - Age W a l l Witnesses" are really beauti­ ful. I am delight­ ed with them and h a v e r e c e i v e d many good com­ ments from visi­ tors to my office. — Dr. T im F. La­ bi a y e P a s t o r , S c o t t Memorial Baptist C h u r c h , San Diego, Calif.

I have been thoroughly delighted with m y elegant "Space-Age W all W itness." Visitors to m y office are invariably at­ tracted to it and its testimony.— Dr. Charles Lee Feinberg, Dean, Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary, La Mirada, Calif. ORDER YOURS TODAY! ______ # 1 0 1 A "Earthrise" and Genesis 1:1 Size 10" x 12" $13.95 ea. ______ # 1 0 1 B "Earthrise and John 3:16 Size 10" x 12" $13.95 ea. ______ # 2 0 1 D "Earthview " and Job 26:7 Size 10" x 12" $13.95 ea. ______ # 2 0 1 E "Earthview " and Isa. 40:22 Size 10" x 12" $13.95 ea. ------------# 4 0 1G "M oonw alk" and Psa. 8:3, 4 Size 12" x 12" $14.95 ea. Special Rates ______ Set of two (any two listed) $25.90 ______ Set of three (any three listed) $36.90 (A ll orders, plus postage and handling) Send check or money order to: Space-Age Specialties 1 4 7 2 5 La Capelle Rd. La M irada, California 9 0 6 3 8



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