King's Business - 1970-04

Importance and Effectiveness o f


Charles Lee Feinberg ,

I f ever a generation emphasized comm unica tion alm ost above all else, it is ours. News media, te le ­ casts, newspapers, magazines, te le ­ star, telephone, teleg raph; in te rna ­ tiona l conferences, United Nations sessions— all are aimed a t comm u ­ n ica ting a message, a position, o r a viewpoint. In the fo re fro n t o f these media stands the radio. Com ing in to its own ju s t d u rin g th e past 20 years o r so, it may be said to be among the most fa r-reaching and comprehensive means ever devised by man to convey ideas to large segments and areas o f ou r people. Th is avenue o f comm unica tion is so

ing, are th e logical answer to a d e f­ in ite need and the trie d and proved method fo r years. In the S p irit Paul charged T im o thy (2 Tim . 4 :1 , 2): “ I charge thee in the s ig h t o f God, and o f C h rist Jesus, who shall judge the liv in g and th e dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom : preach the word; be urgen t in sea­ son, ou t o f season; reprove, re­ buke, exhort, w ith all long su ffe ring and tea ch ing .” If ever the re were a means to preach the Gospel in sea­ son and out o f season, it is C h ris ­ tian radio. And it enters homes where ne ither the preacher, the Bible, the Gospel tra c t, nor the

vita l and crucia l th a t it has rig h tly been placed by th e Congress under federal supervision, which requires constan t and in te llig e n t oversight. In a day o f mass media because o f large and ever-increasing popula­ tion s, radio is an indispensable pa rt o f freedom o f speech as well as freedom o f religion. It was early recognized by the Federal Com ­ m unications Comm ission th a t the re was the people’s need fo r sp iritu a l s tim u lu s and strengthening, so re­ lig ious broadcasts were made a regular pa rt o f the radio p ic tu re in our country. Ch ristian radio s ta ­ tions, a part o f re lig ious broadcast­


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