King's Business - 1970-04

New Wheaton College Plan offers you these distinctive benefits: a generous income for life substantial tax savings gift not subject to capital gains tax and another important plus *

church service could touch. It levels all barriers. As w ith John the Bap­ tis t o f old, it is a voice speaking fo r God. But a d is tin c tiv e ly Christ-owned station has a stra teg ic place in our society. First and foremost, it does not have to ta ilo r its radio log to the w ishes o f an outside non-Christian source. As long as its message is B iblical, in good taste, and con­ fo rm s to the broadcast standards of the Federal Comm unications Com ­ m ission, it need not fea r c u rta il­ ment o f its program o r cancellation o f its radio tim e a t the caprice o f an outside owner. Secondly, Christian rad io need not go begging fo r the best lis te n ­ ing hours. Since it arranges its own broadcast schedule, it can avoid the most unfavorable early o r late lis te n in g periods. O therw ise, to ob ­ ta in good broadcast tim e it would be compelled to pay exceedingly high rates all out o f propo rtion to a b ility to sustain such a program over a long period o f tim e . Th ird ly , commercial radio has a d iffe re n t objective in view, and rig h tly expects to ca rry only th a t which is d e fin ite ly p ro fita b le to them from a business standpo int. A Christian rad io station has a fa r d iffe re n t goal in m ind— g e tting the Gospel ou t as fa r as possible to the greatest num ber in the sho rtest possible tim e— so it is not guided by th e sole, though leg itim a te , aim o f finan c ia l returns. It can keep in m ind the fo rgo tten , but needy, m i­ n o rity groups in all populations, both a t home and on the m ission fie ld . And fin a lly , while speaking o f the m ission fie ld , it was because C h ris ­ tian radio was seen to be so e ffe c ­ tive in w inn ing souls fo r C h ris t at home, th a t the idea was ca rried to the m ission fie ld and launched there. Thank God fo r C h ristian radio wherever found in the world. Pray fo r and suppo rt its m in is try . Eternal issues are involved and tim e is short. S ta rt today! R ight now! Charles Lee Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., is Dean and Professor o f Semitics and Old Testament at Talbot Theological Seminary. APRIL, 1 9 7 0

Under this new Wheaton College agreement, your irrevocable gift o f money, securities or marketable real estate to the College, entitles you to receive fo r life your proportionate share o f the earnings o f a comm on fund each quarter. Y ou r share in the plan is based on the amount o f original contribution and relative value o f units at the valuation date. to a particular investment. The plan also has a distinct advantage fo r a middle-aged person too young to re­ ceive the desired return from annuities. Life Income Agreements may be ar­ ranged on a single life or survivorship basis in amounts o f $1,000 and up­ wards. Earnings and value o f shares are determined quarterly. Similarly, net income is distributed fou r times a year. Information on present rate o f earning is available upon request.

The plan is designed to provide quar­ terly and relatively stable income geared to the prevailing economy. Y ou receive the benefit o f professional in­ vestment counsel retained by officials o f the College. Y our irrevocable gift provides worth­ while tax benefits—and in the cases o f appreciated assets, under present tax law, there would be no capital gains tax. This advantage is especially bene­ ficial to someone who is “ locked in”

For further information on Wheaton Life k •* Income Agreements, Annuities, Deposit I 4®* Agreements and Wills, check coupon below. i m WHEAT0N C0LLEGE " F o r C h ris t a n d H is K in g d o m " . . . S in c e 1860 W h ea ton , Illinois 60187 Without obligation, please send me information on Agreements; □ Wills. # '• w [k,

■5fr A m a j o r c o n s i d e r a t i o n for participation in the plan is the satisfaction of knowing that you are having a share in the preparation of young people for l ives of Christian usefulness.

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Josephus A CLASSIC HISTORY that «01 make the reader a part of these great,momentouseventsof Blbll* cal history. Menthroughthecen­ turies have lookedtothisworkas thestandardcompanionreference to the Bible, containing valid, contemporary referenceto Christ bi history.

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W y c liffe B ib le T ra n s la to rs B o x 1960 S a n ta A n a , C a lifo rn ia 9 2702 2,300 workers translating the Bible for the first time in 470 languages.


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