
14B — February 26 - March 10, 2016 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings & E nvironmental S ervices

Science & engineering firm values environmental expertise Landmark welcomes new associate: Amy Nazdrowicz


as an associate of the firm and will lead the Natural Sciences and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) groups. Amy has 10 years of experience with the firm, having worked the first three years with a regional envi- ronmental firm that merged with Landmark in 2009. Amy Nazdrowicz earned a Masters of Science degree in Wildlife Ecology at Uni- versity of Delaware and a Bachelors of Science in En- vironmental and Forest Biol- ogy from S.U.N.Y. Environ- mental Science and Forestry. She is certified in Delaware,

Maryland, and Pennsylvania as a “Recognized Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyor,” a rare distinction where there are only a couple of resident Delaware professionals that can lead Phase I and Phase II bog turtle investigations. She is an expert on evaluat- ing the effects of wetland amendments on the biodiver- sity of constructed wetlands, and her research has been published in Biological Con- servation and in Restoration Ecology. Nazdrowicz has conducted a number of pro- fessional scientific seminars and environmental educa-

tional programs on topics including wetland creation, wetland diversity, native plants, landscape ecology, and herpetology. Keith Rudy, P.E ., a prin- cipal and Director of Sci- ence andWater Resources said “Amy’s wealth of envi- ronmental experience and knowledge, combined with a strong drive to succeed in all that she does, has made her a valuable asset to our Sciences Department and we look forward to her leader- ship. As a certified Bog Turtle Surveyor, she can help land development clients avoid up

to a year-long delay by get- ting their Phase II surveys scheduled before April 15 each year.” n Babst Calland opens Washing- ton, DC office WASHINGTON , DC / PITTSBURGH, PA — The law firm of Babst Calland

EW CASTLE, DE — Ted Williams , presi- dent of Landmark

Science & Engineer- ing , one of the region’s largest con- sulting civil e n g i n e e r - i ng , env i - ronmental a n d l a n d

Amy Nazdrowicz

announced the opening of a new of- fice in Wash- ington, DC, and the ad- dition of two experienced energy attor- neys, James C u r r y and Kei th Coyle . At- t o r n e y s Cur ry and Coyle repre- sent clients in the energy industry on a variety of

surveying firms, announced that environmental scientist Amy Nazdrowicz , who spe- cializes in wetlands, habitat management, and wildlife in- vestigations, has been named

James Curry

Keith Coyle

matters, particularly in the ar- eas of pipeline safety and the transportation of hazardous materials, and are joining the Firm’s Energy and Natural Resources Practice Group as shareholders. Adding to the firm’s energy and environmen- tal capabilities, these new at- torneys bring deep experience in compliance, regulatory and legislative affairs, strategic counseling, enforcement, liti- gation, and audit preparation. Attorneys Curry and Coyle are joining Babst Calland from a prominent DC environ- mental and energy law firm, where they played a critical in role in developing and expand- ing a nationally-recognized pipeline safety practice group. Both previously served as at- torneys for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The new office will be locat- ed at The Southern Building at 805 15th St. NW, Suite 601, Washington, DC. Chester Babst III , man- aging shareholder of Babst Calland, said, “We are ex- panding the capabilities of our nationally-recognized energy and environmental practice through the addition of Jim Curry and Keith Coyle, and the creation of a Pipeline and HazMat Safety practice with a new office in our nation’s capital.” n

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