Counter Fraud Newsletter


The Strategic Pillars The NHSCFA 2023-2026 Strategy:

Welcome to our Winter Counter Fraud Newsletter. The NHS Counter Fraud Authority (NHSCFA) continues to estimate that the NHS is vulnerable to £1,264 billion worth of fraud each year. Fraud is deception carried out for personal gain, usually for money. Fraud can also involve the abuse of a position of trust. By ‘NHS fraud’ we mean any fraud where the NHS is the victim. While those who commit fraud against the NHS are a small minority, their actions have a serious impact on us all. Fraud against the NHS could be committed by anyone. This includes members of staff, patients, contractors, suppliers, medical professionals and external parties, such as cybercriminals.

Working together to understand, find and prevent fraud, bribery and corruption in the NHS’ focuses on four key pillars: Understand, Prevent, Respond and Assure.

1. Understand how fraud, bribery and corruption affects the NHS.

Fraud takes taxpayers’ money away from patient care and into the hands of criminals. Everyone has a part to play in fighting fraud and being aware of the risk and remaining vigilant are the most important first steps, followed by knowing how to report fraud. Contact details for reporting fraud in confidence are included at the end of this newsletter so if you have any suspicions that fraudulent activity may be occurring, please report this at the earliest opportunity.


We will ensure the NHS is equipped to take proactive action to prevent future losses from occurring.


When we know that fraud has occurred, we are equipped to respond .

We can assure our key partners, stakeholders and the public that the overall response to fraud across the NHS is robust.



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