Counter Fraud Newsletter

AI in Recruitment – Fraud Risks and Mitigations

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionise various industries, its impact on recruitment processes has become increasingly significant. While AI offers numerous benefits, it also presents new challenges in detecting and preventing fraud. This article explores the emerging risks associated with AI in recruitment and provides guidance on mitigating these threats.

Understanding AI-Enabled Recruitment Fraud AI-enabled recruitment fraud can take various forms, including AI- generated job applications that may be generic, impersonal, or contain false information. Deepfake videos could also be used to impersonate authority figures during interviews, or AI could be used to provide responses to interview questions during online interviews. Red Flags to Watch For When reviewing applications and conducting online interviews, be alert for these potential indicators of AI-assisted fraud. These include, but are not limited to:

• Inconsistent language or writing style throughout the application.

• Overly complex sentences with unusual vocabulary or phrasing.

• Incomplete answers or unexplained gaps in employment history.

Similarities between multiple applications.

Stilted or robotic responses during interviews.

• Candidates appearing distracted or pausing frequently before answering questions.

• Candidates refusing to turn their camera on or consistently muting themselves between questions.


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