American Consequences - July 2017


future. Therefore, I thought of Hillary as the “conservative” choice. Now I’m worried that Trump may be re-invigorating the Left. You’re right, Len, although I do make fun of both sides, I’m not neutral. I’m a firm libertarian/conservative who believes in the Constitution and wants a minimal government that keeps its nose out of our personal lives. But I am neutral when it comes to people. Liberals can be some of the nicest folks on earth. And conservatives can be bullies and jerks. I want to thank you for being a voice of reason in a mad world. There is nothing like humor to reveal the naked truth. I’m reminded of Will Rogers. – JimWoods P.J. O’Rourke comment: There’s no one I’d rather be compared to than Will Rogers, who, among a million other quips, said, “I don’t belong to an organized political party – I’m a Democrat.” I wonder how many people remember Rogers today? Which reminds me of all the other old-time humorists who no longer have the reputation that they should... A great one that I recommend to you is Kin Hubbard (1868-1930), cartoonist at the Indianapolis Star. He created a character, “Abe Martin of Brown County” – a wise old backwoods Hoosier. Abe would have a new saying every day. My favorite: “Every now and then an innocent man is sent to the

Re: Welcome to American Consequences You are the smartest sumbitch I’ve ever read, not just because you express my thoughts so well, but because I’ve read a number of great writers, none of whom made me laugh. – Mike Boland P.J. O’Rourke comment: Flattery will get you everywhere! But note that in your much appreciated compliment you say “because you express my thoughts so well.” I may be the smartest sumbitch you’ve ever read, but it sounds to me like the smartest sumbitch you’ve ever listened to is you. Keep up the good thinking! You claim to be neutral, making fun of both the left and right. But let me ask you one question. Who did you vote for in the last election? Or given the outcome and what has happened since, who should you have voted for? – Len Richan P.J. O’Rourke comment: Actually, I voted for Hillary. I figured her for a one-term president. I thought that after eight years of lousy Obama policies, we’d be getting more of the same, and at least we’d know what we were getting and how to survive it. Then, after four years of miserable Hillary failure, sensible libertarian/conservatives would return and run the country for the foreseeable

12 | July 2017

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