American Consequences - July 2017

The day I came to love Donald Trump was when I saw how hard he was kicking liberals in the teeth.

circles who appears on Fox News, Breitbart, the Blaze and other conservative media outlets. No longer behind on his rent or scrounging to buy a burger, he has bought a $7,000 industrial-size printer which fills a corner of his apartment. “Republicans are the new punk,” said Sabo, echoing a slogan on his T-shirt also adorned with an image of Trump in a three-piece suit, looking rather rakish, giving the finger. “I’m pretty much the only right-winger doing guerrilla art. I’m like patient zero, the first one doing this on our side.” Several other rightwing street artists are in fact active in LA but prefer anonymity, thinking that gives their work more power. Some on the right consider Sabo a showboater. He is not shy about self-promotion, calling

himself a one-man rebuttal to Madonna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and other anti-Trump performers. “I cater to the street urchins, the young people. I want them to understand that there’s another message out there.” Critics consider Sabo’s work crude, bigoted, racist and misogynistic. He disputed that: “The blacks, the Jews, the underdogs – no one has a bigger heart for them than me.” He has decorated his home with samples of his work: a framed toilet seat with Barack

Photograph: Sabo

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