American Consequences - July 2017

Accidental Discoveries in the Galapagos

benefits of use would take pages... It’s that scientifically and mathematically complex. It’s an investment, too, at about $4,300 (what I paid). But it’s relatively simple. And in my seven months of using it, I’ve benefitted. Here’s an analogy to describe its effects... Imagine a teacup filled to the brim... It may handle one more drop, but that’s it. Five more tea drops? Well, you’ve got a mess on your hands. Living during a time of constant stimulation, we maintain heightened levels of alertness. Electronic screens are always in our face. There’s an immediacy expected of us. Most folks check e-mails before bed and upon waking. What this does to our bodies is deadly... The stimulation causes an increase in nervous system activity. If active for extended periods, the adrenal glands secrete cortisol. Cortisol increases the usage of adrenaline. The byproduct of increased adrenaline production is inflammation. Your body doesn’t mind causing high amounts of inflammation if it means you’ll survive another day. However, high amounts of inflammation for prolonged periods can be lethal. NuCalm doesn’t eliminate stress from my life... It allows me to unemotionally tackle it. Through daily usage, I’m able to recharge, decrease harmful cortisol levels, and create plenty of room “in my cup.”

Traveling with high-achieving, busy individuals, I’ve noticed most folks would benefit from increasing their investment in health and wellness. That doesn’t just mean working less and vacationing more. It’s making the conscious decision to focus on your longevity. Think of it as a contrary investment. If you allocate a fraction of your time to wellness, you’ll likely see far higher returns than the market will bring you. Because what good are the fine things in life – like tropical lodges and exceptional wines – if you’re not around to enjoy them? This column is about seeing how much we can achieve in our lifetime. It’s about building a wealth of life experience. It’s about surrounding yourself with quality people and pursuing the best the world offers. That’s the good life . Gray Zurbruegg serves as president of The Atlas 400. What started as a small club with a few close friends and colleagues has evolved into an international group with more than 100 members – authors, oil tycoons, corporate executives, entrepreneurs,

hedge-fund managers, rocket scientists – across 14 countries. If you’re interested in learning more, e-mail Gray or request more info here .

74 | July 2017

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