Enzyklopädisches Psychoanalytisches Wörterbuch der IPV

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Ferro, A. (2004). L’étrange cas d’Hannibal Lecter et de son analyste Davy Crockett. Revue française de psychanalyse 68: 1481 – 1492. Ferro, A. (2009). Transformations in dreaming and characters in the psychoanalytic field. Internat. J. Psycho-Anal., 90: 209–230. Ferro, A. and Basile, R. (2009). The Analytic Field: A Clinical Concept . London: Karnac Books. Ferro, A. & Civitarese, G. (2016). Confrontation in the Bionian Model of the Analytic Field, Psychoanalytic Inquiry , 36:4, 307-322. Ferro, A. and Foresti, G. (2013). Bion and Thinking. Psychoanal. Q. , 82(2):361-391 Fiorentini, G.; Frangini G.; Molone, P.; Mori Ubaldini, M.; Robutti, A.; Savoia, V. (2001). L’Inconscio nelle prospettive relazionali. Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 47: 51-75. Fonagy, P. (1999). Memory and therapeutic action . Int J Psycho-Anal 80 (2):215-223. Fosshage, J. (1997). The organizing functions of dreams. Contemp Psychoanal 33 (3): 429-458. Fosshage, J. (2005). The explicit and implicit domains in psychoanalytic change. Psychoanal Inq 25 (4): 516-539. Fosshage, J. (2011a). How do we “know” what we “know?” And change what we “know?” Psychoanal Dial 21 (1): 55-74. Fosshage, J. (2011b). The use and impact of the analyst’s subjectivity with empathic and other listening/experiencing perspectives. Psychoanal Q 80 (1): 139-160. Frank, A. (1969). The unrememberable and the unforgettable: passive primal repression. Psychoanal Study Child 24: 48-77. Freud, A. (1936). The Ego and the mechanisms of defense. New York: International UP. Freud, A. (1965). Normality and pathology in childhood : assessment of development . New York: International UP. Freud, S. (1893). Über den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phänomene. GW Nachtr. , S. 183-195. Freud, S. (1894). Die Abwehr-Neuropsychosen. GW I, S. 59-74. Freud, S. (1895 [1894-95]). Studien über Hysterie. GW I. Freud, S. (1896). Weitere Bemerkungen über die Abwehr-Neuropsychosen. GW I, S. 379-403. Freud, S. (1900). Die Traumdeutung . GW II/III. Freud, S. (1901). Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens. GW IV.


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