Enzyklopädisches Psychoanalytisches Wörterbuch der IPV

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Mancia, M. (1980). Neurofisiologia e vita mentale. Bologna: Zanichelli. Mancia, M. (2000). Sulle molte dimensioni della memoria: neuroscienze e psicoanalisi. Psiche, VIII, 2:181-193. Mancia, M. (2006a). Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience . Milan: Springer. Mancia, M. (2006b). Implicit Memory and Early Unrepressed Unconscious: their Role in the Therapeutic Process (How the Neurosciences can contribute to Psychoanalysis). Int J Psychoanal, 87: 83-103. Mancia, M. (2007). L’Inconscio e la sua storia. Psiche 1: 35-50. Martini, G. (2005). La sfida dell’irrapresentabile . Franco Angeli: Milano. Matte-Blanco, I. (1959). Expression in symbolic logic of the characteristics of the system Ucs, or the logic of the system Ucs. Int J Psycho-Anal , 40: 1-5. Matte-Blanco, I. (1975). The unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-Logic . London, Duckworth. Matte-Blanco, I. (1988). Thinking, feeling and being . London, Routledge. McKenzie, R. (1992). The Classics in Group Psychotherapy. The Guilford Press: New York. Mom, J. (1980). Aportaciones al Concepto de Objeto en Psicoanálisis . Buenos Aires. Amorrortu. Newirth, J. (2003). Between Emotion and Cognition: The Generative Unconscious. New York: Other Press. Neyraut, M. (1978). Les Logiques de l'Inconscient. Paris: Hachette Nitsun, M. (1996). The Antigroup: Destructive Forces in the Group and their Creative Potential. London: Routledge. Ogden, T. (1980). On the nature of schizophrenic conflict. Int J Psycho-Anal 61:513– 33. Ogden, T.H. (1982). Projective Identification and Psychotherapeutic Technique New York: Jason Aronson. Ogden, T.H. (1992a). The dialectically constituted/decentred subject of psychoanalysis. I. The Freudian subject. Int. J. Psycho-Anal 73: 517–526. Ogden, T.H. (1992b). The dialectically constituted/decentred subject of psychoanalysis. II. The contributions of Klein and Winnicott. Int J Psycho-Anal 73: 613–626.. Ogden, T. (1994). The Analytical Third: Working with Intersubjective Clinical Facts. Int J. Psycho-Anal . 75: 3-20.


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