Enzyklopädisches Psychoanalytisches Wörterbuch der IPV

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Richards, A.D. (1992) Unconscious fantasy: an introduction to the work of Jacob Arlow . J Clin. Psychoanal. 1:505-512 . Richard, A.D. (1986). Introduction in: Psychoanalysis, the Science of Mental Conflict: Essays in Honor of Charles Brenner . (Arnold Richards and Martin Willick, eds.). Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Richards, A.D. and Lynch, A.A. (2010). From Ego Psychology to Contemporary Conflict Theory: A Historical Overview. In: Ellman S (ed.) (2010) When Theories Touch . London: Karnac Books. Richards, A.K. and Richards, A.D. (2000). Benjamin Wolstein and Us: Many Roads Lead to Rome. Contemporary Psychoanal 36: 255 – 265. Rice, A.K. (1969) Individual, Group, and Intergroup Processes. Human Relations 22:565-584. Rothstein, A. (2005). Compromise Formation Theory: An Intersubjective Dimension. Psychoanal Dial 15: 415-431. Rosolato, G. (1969). Essais sur le symbolique. Paris: Gallimard. Sandler, J., Sandler, A. (1984). The past unconscious, the present unconscious and interpretation of transference. Psychoanal Inq 4:367-399. Sandler, J. (1976). Dreams, Unconscious fantasies and identity of perception. Int Rev Psychoanal 3:33-42. Sandler, J., Sandler, A. (1987). The past unconscious, the present unconscious and the vicissistudes of Guilt. Int J Psycho-anal 68:341=341. Sandler, J., Sandler, A. (1994). The past unconscious and the present unconscious: a contribution to a technical frame of reference. Psychoanal St Child 49: 278-292. Sandler, J., Rosenblatt, B. (1962). The Concept of the Representational World. Psychoanal St Child 17:128-145. Scarfone, D. (2006). A matter of time: Actual time and the production of the past. Psychoanal Q 75L 807-834. Scarfone, D. (2014a). L'impassé, actualité de l'inconscient, in : L'actuel en psychanalyse, Bulletin de la Société Psychanalytique de Paris, Paris: PUF. Scarfone, D. (2014b). The Work of Remembering and the Revival of the Psychoanalytic Method. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 95:965-972. Scarfone, D. (2016a). Enactive cognition, time, and the unconscious. Psychoanal Inq. In press. Scarfone, D. (2016b). El inconsciente que habla y el inconsciente de que hablamos. Caliban . In press.


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