Enzyklopädisches Psychoanalytisches Wörterbuch der IPV

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Kaes, R. (2009). Les alliances inconscien tes. Paris: Dunod. Kancyper L (1998). Complejo fraterno y complejo de Edipo en la obra de Franz Kafka [The fraternal complex and Oedipus complex in the works of Franz Kafka]. Rev.Psicoanál. (Buenos Aires) 55: 324-54. Kancyper L.(ed.) (1999): Volviendo a pensar con Madeleine y Willy Baranger, nuevos desarrollos [Re-thinking with Willy and Madeleine Barangers: New Developments]. Buenos Aires: Lumen. Kancyper L (1999). Prólogo. In: Luis Kancyper (ed.). Volviendo a pensar con Willy y Madeleine Baranger. Nuevos desarrollos, 7-15. Buenos Aires: Lumen. Katz, M. (2013). General Psychoanalytic Field Theory: Its Structure and Applications to Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Psychoanal. Inq., 33(3): 277-292. Katz, S.M. (2017). Contemporary Psychoanalytic Field Theory: Stories, Dreams and Metaphor , New York: Routledge. King, D.B. and Wertheimer, M. (2005). Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Theory . New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. Klein M (1932). Psychoanalyisis of Children. London; Hogarth Press. Klein, M. (1935) A contribution to the psychogenesis of manic-depressive states. International Journal of Psychoanalysis , 16, 145-174 Klein, M. (1940) Mourning and its relation to manic-depressive states, International Journal of Psychoanalysis , 21, 125-153. Koffka, K. (1935). Principles of Gestalt Psychology . New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. Kohut, H. ( 1971). The Analysis of the Self . New York: Int. Univ. Press. LaFarge, L. (2000). Interpretation and containment. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 81(1): 67-84. LaFarge, L. (2017). From “either/or” to “and”: The analyst’s use of multiple models in clinical work. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 65(5): 829-844. Langs, R. (1976) The Bipersonal Field. New York: Jason Aronson. Langs, R. (1979) Interventions in the bipersonal field. Contemporary Psychoanalysis , 15 , 1-54. Laplanche, J. (1994). Psychoanalysis as anti-hermeneutics. Paper presented at Cerisy colloquium. Also in: Laplanche, J. (2015). Between Seduction and Inspiration:Man , J.House, (Ed.), 2015, pp. 203-218, New York: The Unconscious in Translation. Laplanche, J. (1997). The Theory Of Seduction And The Problem Of The Other. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 78:653-666.


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