April 2022 - Biigtigong Current

GRADE 3 /4 CLASS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s G r e e n

We’ve had a wonderful start to Spring in Grade 3 & 4! We had a wonderful time participating in the fishing derby at Haiti Cove. Miss B, Lucas, and the rest of our wonderful helpers showed us how to set up our hooks. We stayed warm and comfortable near the fire and we even had some holes drilled inside of our fishing huts. We spent a beautiful afternoon down at the mouth exploring and checking out how much ice was still along the shoreline. We laid down tobacco and brought back a talking stick that’s been chewed on both sides by a hungry beaver! In literacy, we’ve been enjoying reading the classroom collections titled “Under the Sun” that focus on teachings such as community, respect, humility, and love. In Mathematics, we are learning about location, movement, and basic coding!

Warm wishes from Miss Green, Morris, Jared, and the students in the Grade 3 & 4 class!


S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s Ma r i e

Greetings from the Grade 5/6 Classroom!

We are enjoying the warmer temperature. We had a wonderful time participating in the fishing derby at Hati Cove. They were all excited to catch some fish. Along with the Grade ⅞'s, they worked hard on their cardboard sleds. It was nice to see how creative they were with their designs. We worked on a persuasive writing unit. Their goal was to write a paragraph to change the reader's perspective and evaluate a text for purpose, arguments, evidence, and credibility. In Math, we have finished the Fractions and Area & Perimeter unit. They were able to explore what happens to measurements of a two-dimensional shape, such as its perimeter and area, when the shape was changed somehow.

Miigwetch. Miss Marie & Grade 5/6 Class


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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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